"Shi’i, they are Muslims, albeit from their own sect. They worship the same God, and follow the Prophet; they pray in the direction of the Ka’aba and follow the teachings of the Qur’an. What is happening between Sunni and the Shi’i, especially in Iraq and Lebanon, is due to political disputes that have nothing to do with Islam or the sects within it"
- Muhammad Mahdi Akef, Mursyidul Am Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir. (Sumber: Al-Nahar, Kuwait, 24 Disember 2008; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, 25 Disember, 2008)
Today, there is no distinction between Sunnis and Shiites. The party of resistance stretches from Beirut, Maroun Al-Ras, Bint Jbeil, from the proud southern suburb of Beirut, and from Ein Al-Tineh, to Gaza, Beit Hanoun, Jabalya, and Sajaiyeh. This is the party of Islam, and it exists in Baghdad, in Kabul, and in the villages of Afghanistan as well. Whoever brandishes a sword at the Jews, anyone who incites against the Jews, against the Americans who support them, and against the [Arab] thrones that support them, obey their commands, carry out their wishes, and constitute a party that confronts Hizbullah ["the Party of God"]...
In this sense, we are all the Party of God – from Tangier to Jakarta, from Tashkent to Nigeria, throughout the Islamic world, in all its capitals, wherever the displaced are to be found, wherever there is anyone who demonstrates, who makes his voice heard, who raises banners, shouts slogans, and incites against the Jews, wherever there is anyone who has nothing but a shoe with which to express his faith. These are all [members] of the Party of God – regardless of their identity, or the identity of their fathers and mothers.
In this sense, we are all the Party of God – from Tangier to Jakarta, from Tashkent to Nigeria, throughout the Islamic world, in all its capitals, wherever the displaced are to be found, wherever there is anyone who demonstrates, who makes his voice heard, who raises banners, shouts slogans, and incites against the Jews, wherever there is anyone who has nothing but a shoe with which to express his faith. These are all [members] of the Party of God – regardless of their identity, or the identity of their fathers and mothers.
- Ulama Sunni terkenal dari Lubnan Sheikh Maher Hamoud dalam satu wawancara dengan NBN TV pada 3 Januari 2009 menekankan persoalan mazhab sudah kabur dalam berdepan dengan musuh umat Islam.
(1) Whosoever is an adherent to one of the four Sunni schools (Mathahib) of Islamic jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi`i and Hanbali), the two Shi’i schools of Islamic jurisprudence (Ja`fari and Zaydi), the Ibadi school of Islamic jurisprudence and the Thahiri school of Islamic jurisprudence, is a Muslim. Declaring that person an apostate is impossible and impermissible. Verily his (or her) blood, honour, and property are inviolable. Moreover, in accordance with the Shaykh Al-Azhar’s fatwa, it is neither possible nor permissible to declare whosoever subscribes to the Ash`ari creed or whoever practices real Tasawwuf (Sufism) an apostate. Likewise, it is neither possible nor permissible to declare whosoever subscribes to true Salafi thought an apostate.
Equally, it is neither possible nor permissible to declare as apostates any group of Muslims who believes in God, Glorified and Exalted be He, and His Messenger (may peace and blessings be upon him) and the pillars of faith, and acknowledges the five pillars of Islam, and does not deny any necessarily self-evident tenet of religion.
(2) There exists more in common between the various schools of Islamic jurisprudence than there is difference between them. The adherents to the eight schools of Islamic jurisprudence are in agreement as regards the basic principles of Islam. All believe in Allah (God), Glorified and Exalted be He, the One and the Unique; that the Noble Qur’an is the Revealed Word of God; and that our master Muhammad, may blessings and peace be upon him, is a Prophet and Messenger unto all mankind. All are in agreement about the five pillars of Islam: the two testaments of faith (shahadatayn); the ritual prayer (salat); almsgiving (zakat); fasting the month of Ramadan (sawm), and the Hajj to the sacred house of God (in Mecca). All are also in agreement about the foundations of belief: belief in Allah (God), His angels, His scriptures, His messengers, and in the Day of Judgment, in Divine Providence in good and in evil. Disagreements between the ‘ulama (scholars) of the eight schools of Islamic jurisprudence are only with respect to the ancillary branches of religion (furu`) and not as regards the principles and fundamentals (usul) [of the religion of Islam]. Disagreement with respect to the ancillary branches of religion (furu`) is a mercy. Long ago it was said that variance in opinion among the ‘ulama (scholars) “is a good affair”.
(3) Acknowledgement of the schools of Islamic jurisprudence (Mathahib) within Islam means adhering to a fundamental methodology in the issuance of fatwas: no one may issue a fatwa without the requisite personal qualifications which each school of Islamic jurisprudence determines [for its own adherents]. No one may issue a fatwa without adhering to the methodology of the schools of Islamic jurisprudence. No one may claim to do unlimited Ijtihad and create a new school of Islamic jurisprudence or to issue unacceptable fatwas that take Muslims out of the principles and certainties of the Shari`ah and what has been established in respect of its schools of jurisprudence.
- The three points of The Amman Message. The Amman Message started as a detailed statement released the eve of the 27th of Ramadan 1425 AH / 9th November 2004 CE by H.M. King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein in Amman, Jordan. It sought to declare what Islam is and what it is not, and what actions represent it and what actions do not. Its goal was to clarify to the modern world the true nature of Islam and the nature of true Islam.
Aku ni bukanla warak sgt apatah lagi berpengetahuan tggi dalam ilmu agama Islam. Tp aku sedeyh tgk umat Islam kiter tak bersatu2 since kejatuhan empayar Uthmaniyyah pada tahun 1924. Umat Islam yg berbagai2 mazhab kat muka bumi ni memerlukan antara satu sama lain. Sunni needs Syiah and Syiah needs Sunni. Klu kiter bergabung pastinya kuasa2 Barat terutamanya Zionnis laknatullah itu akan gerun kembali kepada kiter.
Tetapi kiter org Melayu yg bangga dgn agama Islam kite sejak dr lahir dan tidak segan silu mengisytiharkan Malaysia merupakan negara Islam kat dunia ni suka sgt bertindak tergopoh gapah. Paling baru isu markas Syiah diserbu pada 17/12/2010 di Gombak. Akhbar2 dan media terus menerus menghukum Syiah menggangu keselamatan negara dan paling teruk sekali memanggil syiah itu kafir. Aku dlu pon sgt jahil tentang Syiah ni tapi sejak aku masuk UIA dan globalisasi telah menjadi sebahagian diri ini aku dah taw Syiah tu sbnrnya bukan kafir dan sesat. Maka aku terasa terpanggil lak untuk wat post ini dan yg akan datang mengenai Syiah. Moga2 rakan2 dan pengunjung blog dapat berfikiran terbuka klu baca post aku pasal Syiah ni. Klu tak suka gak aku tak dpt watpe r. Asalkan aku rasa aku dh penuhi responsibility aku as a Muslim. Hehe
p/s: Masih lagi pengikut Sunni.
p/ss: Terima kasih kepada lecturers IIUM dan Dr. Faisal Tehrani kerana 'membuka' mata ini.
p/sss: Berazam nk puasa sunat Khamis tiap2 mggu sem ni cm kat skola dlu ! Hee
dear azam,
ReplyDeletei'm really glad that you try to find some infos and facts about sunni and syiah to enlighten us about this matter. but, wouldn't it be nicer if you could post something a lil bit more personal view about this, so that we can share and discuss about it more detail?
maybe for those who couldn't really understand it, its kindda hard to read a part of some article that you paste it in here. i really hope there's some personal view about syiah/sunni in malaysia, or in other country.
sincerely, Shelzy.
nice entry!
ReplyDeletelama giler tak bace entry camni dari ko.haha
anyway, what exactly happen during Karbala, kite sume tak tau.Lepas perang karbala bru timbul kes drg nanges2 lukakan diri sendri..klo tak silap aku la
tak kesah la atas name ape pun kite, so long as kite sembah Allah, kita yang beriman dan bertaqwa. Dalam qur'an takde sebutpun Islam Sunni or Syiah or hanafi or anything yang betul. Cume Quran sangat menekankan ketaqwaan. banyak ayat2 yang berkaitan dengan taqwa.
ReplyDeleteThanz for da support. Ak mmg nk sgt bg personal views aku tapi aku takut nk boh cuz takut nt kang ader yg bercanggah lak. yewla aku ni bukan stdy bab agama so takut kang ap yg aku tules nt tak kena lak dgn agama kiter. so aku lbeyh selesa copy n paste dr blog org yg lbeyh2 expert dr aku ni. Klu dh ckp ilmu nt br aku bg personal views aku ea. Hehe
Haha tula aku pon dah lama tak wat entry2 cmni. Neway thanz coz sudi membaca ! Harap2 smua org Islam kat Msia ni open minded cm ko so takderla hatred sesama mazhab berlaku di kalangan kiter.
Syiah muncul dari golongan munafik yang berselindung di dalam Islam ketika zaman Rasulullah s.a.w,muncul dan membunuh para Khalifah yang bertegas kepada golongan murtad dan munafik,kemudian mempergunakan nama baik Saidina Ali r.a dan anaknyer hussain untuk menghalalkan satu mazhab baru:Mazhab para bidaah dan fasiq,berakar tunjang dari kaum majusi Parsi.
ReplyDeleteDalam soal perpaduan umat Islam,kita boleh menerima mereka sebagai ‘Islam’ selagi mereka mengamalkan 5 rukun Islam (baca:Islam pada nama) tetapi dari sudut akidah dan pegangan sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w,kita hendaklah menjauhi mereka,kerana mereka gemarkan bidaah hasil dari hadis palsu dan penyelewengan sejarah yang berterusan.
Perbezaan antara sunni syiah adalah kerana politik semata-mata. Jika nak memahami situasi politik masa tu, post Karbala, anda semua mesti tonton "Mokhtarnameh".