Monday, December 27, 2010

Movie Posters of 2010

2010 akan melabuhkan tirai dalam beberapa hari lagi. Spt biasa poster2 Hollywood movies pada tahun ni memainkan peranan penting dalam menarik perhatian penggemar2 movie spt aku ini untuk keluar rumah dan pergi ke cinema yg berhampiran utk menonton wayang2 mereka. So kat sini aku nk tnjk aku punya feveret top 20 movie posters. Hehe

20. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ca'hoole. Tak sgka burung hantu pon leyh jadi cool wat poster.

19. Valentine's Day. Kiutt buh smua watak dlm heart shape.
18. The Losers. Sape sgka tgkp gmba dr bawah leyh nampak COOL giler !
17. The Next Three Days. Wlupon cliche buh image byk2 utk jadikan satu gmba besar but stil nice.
16. 127 Hours. Gmba buket kiri kanan wat aku aku pikir bnda tak senonoh lak. Haha

15. Sex and the City 2. Walaupon movie cm haram flop giler poster dier diva hell !
14. Alice in Wonderland. Alice looks really cute !
13. Remember Me. Gmba Rob Patt and Emile ni mmg nmpk dorg in true love sgt.

12. Love & Other Drugs. SEXY SEXY SEXXXXXXXXYYYY ! Haha. Bile la movie dier nk kuar kat tenet. Yg pasti cm tak lepas Malaysia je.
11. Tron Legacy. Maen kale dgn biru hitam puteh pon dah leh nampak smart giler poster dier !
10. Eat, Pray, Love. Pandai dier gabungkan gmba Julia makan ice cream as eat, nun as pray n da whole scenario dlm gmba ni as love.
9. Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. Suka tagline dier. Hehe
8. Due Date. Haha poster yg paling funny aku penah jumpa. Tagline pon cm kena dgn gmba.
7. The Social Network. Nice tagline n tules besar2 smpi kaco muka hero pon nmpk cool.
6. From Paris with Love. Sgt kreatif jadikan hujung pistol bentuk Eifel. SMART !
5. Inception.  Suka tgk everything in slow motion.
4. Toy Story 3. Tgk poster ni sj dah mampu wat aku pikir zaman kanak2 aku yg hepy. Hehe
3. Tangled. Aku rasa ni la poster citer kartun yg paling aku suka. Simple n smart !
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The most coolest Harry Potter movie poster I eva seen. Tak saba nk frame n gantung kat bilik nt pas duet masuk. Heee

And the no 1 goes tooooooo

1. FLIPPED ! Oh sgt suka akn pemandangan 2 teenagers duk atas pokok n watching together the sunset. Tagline dier pon sgt best n touching. Hehe

p/s: Tahniah kepada skuad Harimau Malaya. Seyes aku mmg terkejut kiter menang besar. Gol dier smua smart2 lak 2. Aku tgk kat umah dgn Kak Ngah n Abah terjerit terpekik2 tiap kali gol. Haha. Satu pencapaian yg sgt memberangsangkan bg industri bola sepak negara kiter (eh bola sepak pon ader industri ke? Haha). Mintak2 la kiter dpt bertahan n sumbat gol byk2 ag time lawan kat Indon nt. Hehe

The hero: SAFEE SALI !

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sheldon Lee Cooper

It's been a while since the hiatus began and I already miss Sheldon Cooper BADLY ! Rindu sgt nk gelak cm org tak siuman tgk gelagat Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory. He is a really one kind of a man. I totally respect Jim Parson pasal dier sgt berjaya membawa watak Sheldon Cooper yg sgt menjengkelkan but in the most FUNNIEST WAY ! No wonder la he deserves won the dis year Emmy Awards for Best Male Comedian. Hehe

So for anyone yg fanatic with Sheldon Cooper (like ME ! ) mesti korg ader pasan yg Sheldon suka sgt pakai t-shirt long sleeves and slalunya t-shirt dier ni msti ader gmba2 action superheroes since Season 1 Big Bang ag. So far aku pasan dier suka sgt pakai t-shirt ader gmba or lambang Green Lantern and Flash. Kat bawah ni merupakan beberapa images of Sheldon with his superhero t-shirts in The Big Bang Theory Season 4.

Flash T-shirt.

Green Lantern T-Shirt

Green Lantern again

Yup it's Flash again

This one different. It's Aquaman. Klu tak pasan sila enlarge gmba ni n tgk btl2.

Also peminat Batman

Klu dah ader t-shirt Flash mstila kena ader costume Flash gak. Haha

Oh for those yg berminat nk beli t-shirts yg Sheldon pakai ni korg bole klik sni. Tgk betapa hebatnya pengaruh Sheldon smpi ader website yg jual baju2 dier ni pakai ag. Haha

Other than his t-shirts, I also love his quotes. Here are some of my favourites:

Sheldon: I am not crazy, my mother had me tested.

Sheldon: Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don't you think that if I were wrong, I'd know it?
Sheldon: Bazinga !

Leonard: Sheldon, you can't train my girlfriend like a lab rat!
Sheldon: Actually, it turns out I can.

Sheldon: Why are you crying?
Penny: Because I'm stupid!
Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Sheldon: I have a Masters degree and two Doctorates. The things I *should* know, I do know.

Funny isn't he? LOVE HIM SO MUCH ! ! ! !

p/s: Tak tdo mlm marathon Raising Hope. BEST !


Last Christmas lyrics by Glee Cast

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
Well it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me
Happy Christmas

I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying 'I love you', I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Yea yea

A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you, and your soul of ice
I thought you were someone to rely on
Me, I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A friend to discover with a fire in her heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love, you'll never fool me again

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

I'll give it to someone special

Very much like this Christmas song ! Hehe. Merry Xmas to anyone who celebrated it out there.

p/s: My Christmas day tersangatla membosankan. Duk umah n do nothin cm org gile ! Smuanya gara2 takder duet. Urghhh

p/ss: Happy 21st birthday Arep Sukarno ! Ko mmg satu2nya bestie UIA aku yg plg BEST ! Hehe

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mike Tompkins 2

Mike Tompkins on The Ellen Degeneres Show ! But he seems pretty nervous.

Ha sape yg tak tgk ag his new video Only Girl in the World by Mike Tompkins bole tgk kat bwh ni. Hehe

p/s: Ader org puji aku kat blog dier. Nk taw bole klik sni. Heeee

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Klu sape2 tnya aku "Ap yg sentiasa wat ko happy kat dlm dunia ni?" aku akan pantas jawab "TOPMAN !" Yup aku ni susah nk rasa happy wlupon klu org slalu nmpk aku tersenyum or duk gelak kuat2 kat luar. But when it comes TOPMAN, TOPMAN sentiasa wat aku rasa happy and smile for real. Like really smile ! So wlupon trust fund tak masuk2 ag (PT-penipu dah masuk pon. Patutnya duet pinjaman nila patut msuk lmbt dr duet free ni. Haha) aku berusaha dgn sedaya yg mungkin mencari duet untuk beli ap2 je yg kat dlm TOPMAN tu sementara stok n SALE masih ader. So setelah browse2 kat dlm TOPMAN tu akhirnya aku jmpa gak bnda yg aku rasa WAJIB BELI wlupon aku rasa yg len2 pon best gak utk di beli. Besides aku dah mengidam dr dlu nk beli bnda ni ag. So seb bekla time SALE ni bnda ni ader kat TOPMAN. Hee  

Jeng Jeng Jeng !

Black jacket ! Mesti cool giler pakai time bwk moto. Pas tgk Tron lagila aku makin giler nk own a jacket like dis one. Mula2 plan nk tgk kat bundle skali jmpa yg ni kat TOPMAN trus cancel niat nk beli kat bundle. Haha

Saje je tak nk cabut tanda hrga. Haha. Ni pon tggl last piece kat Topman OU tadi. Kat KLCC dah takder dah.
Ader cm Sam Flynn skit tak? Hahaha perasan2.

Terima kasih TOPMAN kerana membuat diri ini HAPPY. Love u so much ! Oh kepada Athirah Azni, nice x jacket aku ? Ko dah tkr jacket aku pon taknk kalah gak r. Haha ! 

p/s: Ingt ea Syiah tu bukan KAFIR ! Diulangi bukan KAFIR ! Please be open minded.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

McFly - Above the Noise

Baru2 ni dload ag album baru n dis time album McFly called Above the Noise. Sblm ni penah dgr nama McFly ni but tak penah la plk dgr lagu2 dier. Pas dah dgr lagu2 dlm album dier not bad gak. Stakat ni dah hook up dgn lagu Party Girl. Agak catchy n video dier pon kinda sexy. So kat bawah ni gmba2 dlm digital booklet yg disertakan skali dlm album dier yg aku dload ni. Smart gak guna comic book punya style.

Other than that aku dload gak Taio Cruz's Rokstarr. Sblm aku dig in Taio Cruz ni ingtkan dier org US skali English dude. Lagu2 dier dlm album ni pon best gak n b4 dis pon aku dah suka dgr lagu2 dier yg dah famous kat radio like Break Your Heart and Dynamite. Bg aku Taio Cruz ni Ne Yo version UK. Besides muka dorg pon dah nk dkt sama kot bg aku. Hehe.

Neway, video baru Paramore called Playing God pon br je kuar. Cm biasa Hayley looks really cute. Lagu ni dlm album Brand New Eyes. Ingtkan Paramore nk wat album baru skali wat video baru lak.

Greyson Chance yg terkenal with his big voice nyanyi lagu Lady Gaga's Paparazzi kat skola dier dlu pon dah kuarkan single baru called Waiting Outside the Lines. Oh aku br dgr skali lagu ni trus dah melekat nk dgr byk kali. Seyes sore bdk ni mmg sedap giler ! Thank you also to Ellen Degeneres pasal tolong dier build his carreer as an artist n exposed him to us.

p/s: Tibe2 lagi suka tgk favourite series kat iPhone. Hmmm 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Semester 2 10/11

New semester means new spirit. Yeahh rite. Dat is totally bull. More sufferings to come lagi ader la.

My wall in D 1. 2 A, Mahallah Faruq @IIUM. I am totally SUCKS in arts.

Nope, never achieve this. Saje2 je pasang time tdo.

p/s: Biler la duet nk masuk ? Haish sengsara btol takder duet. Money is everything man.

p/ss: Rasa cm tempang bile moto rosak. Sigh.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Big Bang !

So as most of my friends who knows me very well, klu aku dah suka pada sesuatu bnda ni suka aku tu akn trus jadi TAKSUB ! (Rasa cm penah mentioned bnda ni kat previous post but neva mind saje nk citer balik) Well aku rasa Elnur la paling good observer pasal dier penah ader mentioned kat aku yg aku ni mmg suka den taksub bnda ikut musim2. He even ckp yg akula kwn dier yg paling unik skali pasal suka bnda2 yg pelik2 ni. Antara perkara yg aku taksub dlu - Harry Potter (definitely!), Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, High School Musical, Charmed, The O.C, Lemony Snicket and etc. Klu time aku tgh taksub tu mmg aku akn cakap bnda yg aku taksub tu 24/7 smpi kwn2 aku smua benci gile n annoy dgn aku, beli pape yg related  tak kesahla buku, posters, action figures dan tak juga praktiskan ap yg aku taksub dlm kehidupan seharian. Penah skali time tu aku tgh giler dgn The O.C smua initial aku tkr jadi O.C smpi aku rasa satu hostel Aspura knew bout it. 

Perkara ni penah berlaku once upon a time on Thursday masa aku form 3 or form 4 tak silap aku. Klu dlu hari khamis mmg smua org akan wat puasa sunat (skarang hampeh la aku nk wat) so sape yg puasa sunat kena tulis nama kat buku log yg disediakan kat Dewan Makan. But of kos la kitorg ni poyo sgt nk tulis nama btol kat buku ni thus kitorg pon just tulis initial2 ngarut. Bnda ni dah lama berlaku smpi Somel nek fed up n pggl sape2 yg puasa on dat day kat surau n nk tau sape yg conteng initial2 bodo ni kat buku tu plus at the same time punish them. But fortunately time ni aku tak ingt aku pegi mana ntah n aku tak berada di surau on dat time.  Masa dier tgh cek each initial2 bodo kitorg ni dier pon nmpk initial O.C aku n tnya bdk2 puasa on dat day. My besties yg puasa n ader kat surau time tu zip their mouth n wat bodo ckp taktau2 but junior2 aku smua ckp 'Abg Azam punya, Abg Azam punya'. Somel ader gak tnya ap mksd O.C ni n smua taktau. Haha. Patutnya aku kna panggil n kena denda dgn Somel but ntah cmner aku leh terlepas time tu. Nasib badan. Hehe.

Neway since Harry Potter fever telah berlalu (but still tgh cari geng nk tgk Hallows kat cinema wat kali terakhir nk bg ckup 3 kali sementara tgh ader kat wayang), taksub aku telah beralih ke The Big Bang theory as I have mentioned in previous post. Aku sgt suka akn Sheldon Cooper n skang ni tak abes2 nk try hafal any funny lines dier mentioned dlm citer ni. Oh aku juga sgt menggilai akan opening theme dier n skang ni mmg tgh dgr berpuluh2 kali everytime aku ngadap dpn laptop. The song called The Big Bang Theory gak by Barenaked Ladies. So kat bawah ni aku ader buh lagu tu n video Barenaked Ladies perform lagu ni time Comic Con 2010 summer ritu. Hee

Song courtesy of

Barenaked Ladies perfom The Big Bang Theory song.


Ni lak lirik dier lak. Hehe.

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!

"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.
The bipeds stood up straight,
The dinosaurs all met their fate,
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died (they froze their asses off)
The oceans and pangea
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya
Set in motion by the same big bang!

It all started with the big BANG!

It's expanding ever outward but one day
It will cause the stars to go the other way,
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!

Australopithecus would really have been sick of us
Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy
It all started with the big bang!

Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology
It all started with the big bang!
It all started with the big BANG!

Other than that, aku pon sgt suka akn lagu 'Soft Kitty' wich Penny akan nyanyikan to Sheldon tiap kali dier sakit. Kat bawah ni video The Big Bang Theory cast sing dat song time Comic Con 2010. Haha sweet !

Soft Kitty !

Oh haritu kuar tgk Stop the Musical ! kat Dewan Filharmonik Petronas with Trah n Yan. Since nk masuk Dewan Filharmonik ni kena pakai dresscode aku terpaksala pakai kemeja n kasut kulit wich aku sgt la dreadful nk pakai. Aku sgt tak suka pakai kemeja n klu g klas kat Yuyayiea tu bole dibilang dgn jari bape kali je aku menyarungkan kemeja dalam satu semester tu. Yg tak tahan time aku meet Trah n Yan dorg tak abes2 mentioned aku HENSEM n MACHO dan diikuti dgn pelbagai maskulin related 'compliments'. But mmg aku admit satu bnda dorg ckp yg aku mmg pakai cm nk g kerja. Dahla orchestra ni semalam (Sabtu) so mmg KLCC tu dipenuhi dgn kanak2 dan golongan2 muda mudi n aku terasa janggal sgt pakai dress code pegi sni. Rasa cm mata2 memandang aku kiri kanan depan dan belakang. But I enjoy most of the the time kuar dgn Yan n Trah. We should do it again next time eh. Hehe

Smpt snap time mula2 masuk. Patu trus kena sound dgn org yg jaga dewan ni. Da perfomance was okay. Mula2 je la kitorg excited patu menguap 2 3 kali gak r. Ader duorg kanak2 sebelah kitorg siap tdo ag. But da Dewan sgt AWESOME ! Suka sound system n lighting dorg. CANTEK GILER ! 10x ganda cantek dr Istana Budaya. Haha
Da DON'Ts. Still curi2 tgkp gmba gak dlm Dewan tu. Hee

In front of tmpt beli tiket.
Pas orchestra KARAOKE time ! Ktorg g karok kat KTV Ampang Park. Best giler kitorg menghoyan terpekik2 terlolong2 cm org giler. Papepon aku berjaya membuktika hypotheses aku yg suara Trah mmg SEDAP ! Haha. Ader je gmba2 kitorg berperangai tak senonoh tapi taknk la tnjk. Sgt NSFW ! Hehe. Ni screen TV yg kuar time dah abes masa karok n tak tahan bole plk salah eja SILA. Isssh2. Papepon Red Box gak yg terbaek !
Bak kata Azyan muka stim makan Prosperity. Hehe

p/s: Eh Yan pani kite karok lagu Big Bang ni ea. Tak saba nk menari2 dgn ko in da future. Haha

p/ss: Pictures once again credited to Yan and iPhone 4.

p/sss: Tak suka packing barang. Urgh !


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