Saturday, April 25, 2009

Deathly Hallows yg Berhantu !

Belum ag half blood prince kuar the casts of harry potter dah stat bz filming deathly hallows..wahh mmg bertungkus lumus r david yates ni wat harry potter nyer films..besides myb dier dah stat shooting skang psl next year pon dah mmg dlm jdual deatlhy hallows part 1 kuar..klu dah stat shooting awl2 ni make sure movie nyer mantap gak r ea pak cik david ea'hehe..

Hermione tgh larikan diri 4m Bill n Fleur nyer wedding

Harry, Ron n Hermione larikan diri sama2

The Trio walking together

The Trio again..


  1. OMG HP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    wah2.sgt update ko ni eh.
    nway cant wait to see the movie.


HaaA Ngomel JAngan TAk NgomeL !


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