Thursday, April 30, 2009

Human Sciences ?? Apa Tu ?!

Alhamdulillah aku sgt bersyukur pasal aku dpt kptsn yg agk membanggakan bg diri aku r in previous semester.mula2 time check mmg cuak giler tapi pas check mmg terkejut giler pasal aku stil ley score..haha.mana taknanya sblm ni jwb xam duk mengeluh2 memaki2 smua skali berbuah gak hasilnya.wlupn aku sering dilanda kesusahan dan masalah yang tiada penghujungnya,tapi Allah sentiasa memberi petunjuk dan kasih sayangNya kepadaku dan salah satu caranya aku sering mendapat keputusan yg agk bgus dlm peperiksaan.Moga2 aku sentiasa dapat keputusan cmni in da future..hehe..Dis time aku nk citer psl kos yg aku amik skang.aku tau msti rminya yg taktau aku amik kos ap (exceptional kpd kwn2 aku yg uians r) evn kwn2 sg pusu aku sndri..slalunya klu aku borak2 dgn kwn2 lama aku spt biasa mstila aku ingt dorg amik kos ap skang kat U tapi dorg takpenah amik tau pon aku amik kos ap or ingt tak kwn2 skalian,skarang aku sedang mengikuti pengajian di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa dalam kursus Human Sciences or dlm bmnya Sains Kemanusiaan..sila take note yew'hehe..

Entrance HS Building

So msti ader yg tertanya2 human sc ap tu?maklumla kos aku ni takla sepopular n seprofessional cm laws,engin,econs,accounting,medic n so on..Human Sc sebnarnya sama dgn Social Sciences or klu kat skola dlu org klasifikasikan klas2 yg taklaja sc n pggl klas2 ni physics chemistry biology tu bwh Sc Tulen while econs political sc sejarah smua ni bwh Social Sc.Social Sc ni sbnrnya bidang dier luas ag tapi kat UIA ni Human Sc or akronimnya Hs ader beberapa bidang jew.Tp cm biasala kan bg aku masyarakat Malaysia ni tak penah didedahkan sgt psl2 bidang Social Sc ni psl mind set parent2 slalunya tertumpu pada bidang2 professional jew cm engin laws smua 2 n arap nt dah bsr anak2 dorg keja dlm bidang2 klu anak2 dorg kos social sc cm hs ni msti dorg akan mempunyai tanggapan negatif n pikir klu ank2 dorg amik bidang ni takder future.aku mmg dah maklum sgt r n telinga aku dah nek lali dgn tanggapan2 negatif psl hs ni esp kat msyrkt sekeliling aku..

Antara 5 tanggapan negatif/cynical/prejudis/jahil pasal HS yg penah aku dgr n alami:
  • Ader ckgu kat skola aku dlu terkejut time aku letak HS first skali choice aku 4 apply UPU n mintak aku tkr laws pasal dier ckp nt aku menggangur je pas graduate.(mmbr Sg Pusu msti kenal ni ckgu saper kan??hihi)
  • Kwn skola rendah aku ingtkan HS ni kos medic pasal ader word 'human' so dier ingtkan kos ni stdy psl human dr segi saintifiknya.
  • Aku jumpa ckgu sek ren aku n bgtau yg aku amik hs skang n dier gelak dgn penuh sinis.
  • Parents aku menentang sekeras-kerasnya time mula2 aku nk tkr Hs when i was Economics and Management Sciences student
  • Sedara mara aku akn kata 'Hah?Ap tu?' tatkala aku kata aku amik hs n terpaksa explain lbey lanjut pasal kos aku kat dorg
dan byk la lagi tnggapan negatif psl hs ni aku pnh dgr.aku ader gak terlintas bile laa agknya mind perception msyrkt kita akn ubh psl hs ni or sape2 je kos yg dier bwh social sc.well aku arap lambat laun nt kos hs ni popular mcm kos2 professional yg nk citer skit bidang2 yg ader dlm hs ni.kat uia ni hs bawah Kuliyyah Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.slaen dr hs ader gak programme laen bwh kuliyyah ni cm BENL (english), BAR (arabic) n IRK (islamic revealed knowledge)..kat bwh HS ni pulak ader lima kos utama which r Communication, Sociology n Anthropology, Psychology, Political Science and History.student2 hs yg dah msk gombak bole pilih nk amik bidang ap or uians pggl major dlm mana2 kos utama ni dgn syarat dorg dapat certain grades n pointer yg mencukupi utk bidang yg dorg nk ni..

From Left: Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Department of Communication and Department of Psychology

Department of History and Civilization (department feveret aku even tho department ni plg tak laku skali kat Hs..haha)

Bg aku kos hs ni mmg unik.ap yg ktorg laja msti different giler dr org yg slalu laja.bsides dat ader byk gak ap yg aku laja dlm sbjk2 kos ni aku tak penah laja kat skola dlu2..

Antara 6 Keunikan HS:
  • Slalunya klu bdk2 Sc time laja msti dorg kena dgr betul2 ap yg lecturer ajr n paham konsep while Hs students hnya msuk klas n suka ati dorg nk dgr kew tak ap yg lecturer dorg ajar or tido pon takpe pasal nt bole baca blk notes yg lecturer kasi.bak kata org masuk telinga kanan kuar telinga kiri..(aku slalu men sms dgn Una n makan cheese bread time klas Psych sem lps.tak caya tnya Akmal n Nabil.haha)
  • Aku takyah blaja MATHS!!tu nikmat yg paling best!dah takder menghadap soalan2 tak realistik macam soklan SPM dlu kena cr fungsi takpon persamaan klu ader org sepak bola..ntah pape jew..hehe..
  • Smntra kwn2 aku sibuk blaja mitkondrion takpon nukleus aku hnya chill out laja pasal television,motion pictures n radio in mass communication.Cthnya kat US ader lima Stesen TV yg utama wich are CBS,NBC,ABC,FOX n CW.Slaen tu aku pon ader laja pasal macam mana suatu filem in Hollywood is produced from pre-production to post production n kos bg shooting filem Hollywood boleh menelan sbyk 500 000 US Dollars PER DAY!
  • Tatkala students duk pening n naek giler jawab soklan kamir mahupun pembezaan,aku sedang sonok blaja pasal sejarah2 dunia spt serangan ke atas ibu pejabat polis Bastille in France adalah penyebab kepada French Revolution dan Germany is the founder of Romanticism (Beethoven) which is the opposite era of The Age of Enlightenment yg mendukung ideologi philosophy serta Abbasiyyah n Umayyah tahap ke 2 adalah zaman kegemilangan Islam sbnrnya.Time Uthmaniyah lebey kpd expansion Islam punya empire jew.
  • Time students wat experiment2 yg merapu spt susah2 wat sabun kat Laboratory (ko pergi Guardian je kan senang takyah pening2 nk wat sabun.haha) aku lak blaja psal behavior org like scapegoating,prejudice,social identity,dicsrimination dan sebagainya.
  • Apabila students sibuk menyalin jalan kerja dkt whiteboard aku lak just relax n fascinated dgr citer2 4m lecturers aku pasal kisah2 yg menarik n tak penah dgr sblm ni.Cthnya knp Nazi guna lambang Swastika macam Buddhism?Sebabnya Buddhism ni diinfluencedkan by Hinduism n Hinduism ni lahir drpd org Aryans yg datang takluk India.Org Aryan ni pulak ad yg dtg dr Europe so kita bole lihat ader la link Europe dgn myb swastika aderla simbolik 4 org Aryans.btw Buddhism tak caya pd Tuhan but caya pada Nirvana.
And da list goes on n on..malas la pulak aku nk tulis tak ke bestnya tu jd bdk HS??smua bnda yg aku laja is different from others.tapi aku takderla kata kos2 len tu tak penting n tak best..smua ilmu tu penting.cuma aku just nk bg penerangan n enlighten kpd org2 yg slalu pandang negatif kat HS.tak dinafikan la yg kos aku ni keja dier tak sehebat cm doctors n lawyers tapi stil ader je keja 4 HS graduates cm PTD,HR Managers,Political Sc analysists n mcm2 ag.Sedangkan Pak Lah yg berkelulusan IRK jew bole jadi Perdana Menteri n IRK dlm kelompok HS gak tu.besides keja 4m kos HS ni glamorous ap.klu ko amik Mass Comm bole ko jadi pengacara TV or kerja kat bidang penyiaran.bole slalu kuar TV.tapi klu aku sah2la nk keja kat MTV takpon V or E! channel ganti Ryan Seacrest kew br r best.dpt jumpa artis je keja.haha..berangan2 jew lbey.n aku mmg tak nafikan yg byk graduan HS jobless tapi ader jew kos len yg menggangur aku tu smua rezeki.klu org tu tak berusaha bersungguh2 n Allah nk uji dier tak dapt keja takderla dier dpt keja.sbnrnya ader je keja bg stiap kos yg stiap Uni kat Msia ni offer..bak kata Nadea 'Cm2 watpela universiti tu nk offer kos2 kat U dier klu kos tu takder keja..membazir masa n wang U tu jer laa' (lbey kurg r ap dier ckp ni..hehe)

Courtyard yg glamorous yg memisahkan HS Building n Education Building

Papepon aku sgt bersyukur yg skang ni aku jd bdk HS pasal setelah 5 tahun kat skola dlu aku merana bljr sbjk2 yg aku tak minat n failed je terutamanya time f4 n f5 pasal ader fiz,kim,bio,math n add math,akhirnya aku dpt laja bnda yg aku suka n score dlm sbjk2 yg aku laja skang.Aku ingin berterima kasih kpd Allah SWT kerana telah membuka hidayah dan kesenangan kat aku.Tak lupa juga aku ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada MARYAM HIJRAH kwn sg pusu aku pasal time 1st sem aku kat matrix uia n aku bdk econs dier la yg slalu jd org yg dgr rintihan aku byk bg nasihat n dorongan suh aku tkr HS.thanz mayam!n also to my parent who gave their trusts n another chance for me to prove dat i am really belong to Human Sciences.thanz mom n dad..dan cm biasa kpd kawan2 aku yg suka support aku scra langsung n tak langsung..hehe

p/s:wah tibe2 bersemangat patriotik n bangga jd bdk HS..haha..tak berniat nk kutuk kos len.

Britney Spears sbg Bookmark buku Mass Communication aku.Fabulous kan?haha

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Deathly Hallows yg Berhantu !

Belum ag half blood prince kuar the casts of harry potter dah stat bz filming deathly hallows..wahh mmg bertungkus lumus r david yates ni wat harry potter nyer films..besides myb dier dah stat shooting skang psl next year pon dah mmg dlm jdual deatlhy hallows part 1 kuar..klu dah stat shooting awl2 ni make sure movie nyer mantap gak r ea pak cik david ea'hehe..

Hermione tgh larikan diri 4m Bill n Fleur nyer wedding

Harry, Ron n Hermione larikan diri sama2

The Trio walking together

The Trio again..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Episodic Part I . .

Mulai drpd posting ni,aku nk wat posting psal memori2 lama aku dgn mmbr2 SG np aku namakan posting ni Episodic pasal aku ader blaja dlm psychology yg memory kiter ni terbahagi kepada explicit n implicit memory n implicit ni terbahagi ag dgn semantic n episodic memory..episodic memory ni utk memories yg memorable utk seseorg tu..hehe.well wut i can say i'm a Historian man n suka ingt bnda2 lama esp memori dgn kwn2 sg pusu bcuz even tho aku dah jarang jumpa dorg n ader yg aku dah tak jumpa pon they are the BEST THING EVA HAPPENED in MY LIFE..hihi..

SO utk Episodic Part I ni aku nk wat tribute aku dgn adda.just nk tnjuk a few pictures yg related adda dgn aku..

Ni tespad adda kasi aku time bday aku f5.well time tu kan ktorg duk asrama so cm biasala adiah2 bday yg aku dapat tak la segrand cm skang due to financial constraint n kekongkongan dgn duk asramanya esp time f5 tatkala Cikgu Samat stat jd warden ke dua n melimitkan cuti2 bdk f5 utk program2 klas intensif dier..haha..well aku betul2 kenal adda time aku f4 pasal f1 smpi f3 dier klas rajin n aku klas rasional so aku mmg tak penah tegor r pompuan klas rajin n tibe2 aku terpikir blk nape laa aku tak tegor dorg kan'myb time tu malu2 ag kot (malu r sgt klu ko tnya classmate rasi0nal aku mmg mulut aku dah bedah2 senah2 time ni ag siap wat perang dlm klas..haha).aku kenal dier pon sebab ktorg duk merintih2 sama pasal PENYESALAN ktorg masuk SBP n membincangkan langkah2 bagaimana utk pulang ke SMK SG PUSU tercinta kembali..adda kuar jap g SBPI RAWANG while aku pulak g my-worst-nitemare KISAS..wlupn rmi pihak spt parent aku n some my frens agk kesal aku kuar dr SBP esp KISAS aku tak penah nyesal dgn tindakan aku.besides i'm kinda proud with it..takyah la aku duk bebel2 pjg2 nape aku kuar KISAS kang byk pulak aku kutuk skolah BUMI WAQAFAN pas ktorg telah menjadi buangan skola2 yg org duk bangang2kan ni terus ktrog rapat tambah2 ag ktorg satu klas gak.

Cm biasala klu dlm satu persahabatan tu msti ader part pahitnya n gado2 tu kan.act takderla gado tapi aku jer yg majuk lebey2 dgn dier.biasala aku kan suka jadi DRAMA QUEEN n menggedik smpi piah si kecik suka panggil aku azam gedik! azam gedik! berjuta2 kali kat skola dlu.haha.time ni aku majok dgn dier pasal aku ajk dier g tuisyen PERFECTION time nk dkt2 SPM.dlu2 time cuti skola f4 nk msk f5 aku n adda g tuisyen PERFECTION kat kepong wich best giler blaja kat sini (ckgu2 kat sini jugak siap pggl ktorg couple pasal ktorg duk berkepit jew..haha)..tapi time tu pas exam mid year kot takpon trial n adda ckp dier tak dpt g..lebey kurg r..takpon aku majuk dgn dier pasal dier takdpt kuar dgn aku n duma kot or sbb laen wich aku takle nk recall sgt np aku majok dgn dier.pala otak ni dah dier kasi r aku surat kat ats ni yg tertulis:

Hai azam !!

Msti ko terkejut kn?
erm..snanya aku takut nk ckp kt ko..
tu psl la aku tulih ni..
erm..firstly sorry.. :(

td aku tpon mak aku,ckp psl result aku..
mak aku lek je..cume tkut ayh aku je ar.. :(
tp mak aku xpasti la die bole kc aku kuar ke x kames ni..
bkn xpasti snang cite x bole..
mak aku kate sure ayh aku bengang ngan result aku
n then xkc kuar.. :(

so sorry azam rosakkn plan..
sorry sesangat..
tolong ckp sorry kt duma skali..
one more, nset aku kene tarik kot.. :(
sdeynye.. :(
sorry ye azam..aku harap ko phm ayh aku cane..
k la bye!

so time tu aku stat r majuk giler2 dgn dier nyer..tak silap aku adda ckp kat aku majuk dgn dier sebulan gak r..aku ingtkan 2 mggu jer..haha.time ni mmg aku tak tego dier lgsg or pandang dier.dier mmg terasa giler pasal aku ni kan joyah2 suka tegur smua bdk pompuan tapi dier sorg jer aku tak tegur time ni even tho sblm ni aku rapat dgn time ni gak Wawa yg jadi perantara aku dgn adda.kdg2 tu aku tnya kat Wawa adda cmner smua ader ckp pasal aku tak n soh dier rahsiakan dr adda yg aku tnya pasal dier..haha..ntah pape ntah aku ni..bile pikir blk rasa cm bodo2 plk.pas nk dkt sbulan ktorg tak bertego sape smpila satu tahap ni Wawa panggil aku suh ckp dgn adda..

Tulisan ni aku jumpa time aku stdy Sc of Quran dlm buku teks Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah Tingkatan 5 aku ritu..haha..tulisan ni tertulis "adda nak jumpe ko ni,duk tmpt una skrg!".ni tulisan Wawa time pggl aku suh duk kat adda.pas aku duk tmpt una wich blkg dier time tu ktorg tego2 la.yg aku tak tahn tibe2 jer adda nangis dpn aku n zzzuuuuupppp satu klas pandang ktorg.aku dah MALU giler time tu pasal first time aku wat pompuan nangis..haha.jahatnya laa aku.dier ckp r yg dier sedey aku tak tego dier smua n sorry smua.huhu..time ni duma terkejut giler pasal yer r nper la gf dier duk nangis kat aku.pas aku dah borak2 hepy2 dgn adda duma tnya aku npa adda nangis kat aku den aku saje2 nk wat drama ag balas takdpe pape pon..pastu duma mmg marah n bengang gak r kat aku smpi ktorg tak tego n keja dier menjeling jew kat aku..muahaha..tapi skjp jew patu ktorg idup kmbali happily eva after..

Skang ni ktorg jarang cntct sesama tapi klu aku bosan2 or dpt kol free aku kol r dier.wlupn aku tak serajin msg dier cm aku msg Una pasal dier ni malas nk bls msg org (haha!) tapi ktorg stil remain as good adda skang tgh melanjutkan pelajaran di UPSI sbg ckg Bio..ko pegila jd ckgu bio kat Sg Pusu tu ganti ckgu bio "kesayangan" kiter ckgu Mardiana..haha.

Me n Adda time beraya umah2 ckgu in 2006

p/s:blog aku dah 1000 org view!haha..time kaseh kwn2 n spe2 jew kerana rajin sggh blog aku..appreciate it very much!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Istana Budaya dan Steven . .

Tgga Masuk Pintu Besar Main Hall Istana Budaya

Baru2 ni me my bro n my sis went to mini konsert Malaysian band kat Istana Budaya.act mula2 aku taknk g r sgt psl aku bukannya minat indie2 ni..tapi ader la minat skit2 jew..hehe.aku pegi pon just nk tmnkan abg aku.kebetulan pas ktorg bgtau sis aku dier nk ikut skali..besides, me n my bro tak penah g istana budaya compare to my sis n my other brother yg aku rasa dah berjuta2 kali g sana tgk theaters n so sajer la nk jejakkan kaki aku kat istana budaya even tho aku tpksa byr 35 yar utk tgk show yg aku tak baper ader sis aku ni nk r rasa ader guide..yela kang smpi mau aku terkantat2 dgn abg aku cr tmpt nk beli tiket takpon jakun smpi tak dpt msk nk tgk konsert tu..haha..sblm nk g punyala sis aku kata takle pki jeans ap smua nk masuk istana budaya pasal dier ckp penah ader org kena tego kat smpi2 sana aku tgk smua org pki jeans je..aku n abg aku jer yg pki slack..haha..skema2..tapi mmg smua audiences pki baju kolar or smart2 la..decent la katakn compare to klu g gig yg biasa2 dorg pki baju t-shirt round neck or heinous n pelik2 nyer baju..hihi..

Banner Malaysian Band..

Tiket Malaysian band

Pas dah beli tiket aku ingtkan masuk dewan besar dier yg org slalu tgk theater cm Puteri Gunung Ledang smua 2 skali masuk mini dewan dier jer nama Lambang Sari..tapi not bad gak dewan dier even tho kecik.nampak cm cool jew..den da show begins dgn band Cili stat dlu..spt biasala kan klu indi2 ni nama dorg smua pelik2..aku ngantuk giler time band ni perform pasal lagu dier smua tak best!urghh..den baju yg lead singer dier pki wich is a gal is hina giler!dier pki baju itam patu pki kain warna purple wich is soooo tak matching..aku rasa dier guna kain dier beli kat nagoya jer kot..kain tu bukan kain cm kain baju kurung tapi kain dier ikat2 jer kowt kat badan dier..patu kt dlm kain dier pki tights!(mirul sila rekrut sister ni jadi mmber club ko.haha)..mmg FASHION CRIME giler!sakit mata aku tgk..but myb dier nk tnjk dier ni artis indi pompuan kot..tapi aku tgk yuna takpon saper ntah nama pompuan dlm band couple tu aku tgk dorg pakai baju yg elok jer n takderla sehina lead singer cili ni time dorg perform gig..ish2..She is soo a FASHION VICTIM...haha..

Band Cili

PAs cili perform the times plk perform..well lagu kat the times ni bole la gak thn tapi stil aku tak best dgr..hehe..biasala aku tak penah familiar dr lagu the times pon even tho aku rasa abg aku dah pasang byk kali je.act time konsert ni audience tak dibenarkan tgkp gmba or rekod..tapi aku wat dono men tgkp jer gmba bhya gak tgkp gmba ni psl akak2 yg jaga pintu dewan ni (akak2 ni tak fashion crime psl dorg pki baju kebaya..nmpk sweet ghettu!hihi)akan men laser2 dgn ko nk tnjk signal jgn tgkp sis kuar hp nk men msg pn kena laser dgn akak2 ni..tibe2 aku rasa aku nk keja kat istana budaya patu nk jd cm akak2 ni so ley la aku men tenyeh2 laser kat org sesuka ati..haha..slain tu aku gak pencahyaan kat dewan ni..mmg lawa giler lighting dier!mantap r..smua kale ader..biru merah pink oren n pandai tenchnician ni maen dgn lampu2 ni time band2 ni perform..

The Times

Pas the times tibe la band yg aku nt2kan wich is OAG.aku tggu2 OAG pn sbab aku familiar gak r lagu2 dier..OAG perform mmg best giler pasal dier ader gabung skali dgn violin n alat2 tradisional cm jember n amender ntah nama2 alat muzik yg bdk2 nasyid skola aku suka guna dlu2..haha..mmg lagu2 dorg aku dgr smua nmpk fresh..patu sblm nyanyi radhi nyanyi band dorg men satu lagu ni muzik jer n mmg best giler!wat pertama kali aku dgr lagu indie rasa goosebumps.haha..tapi aku cuma jengekl dgn radhi pasal dier wat action2 yg ntah pape n cm lawak bodo jer..tapi aku give r credit kat dier pasal dier try nk entertain audience..hehe..


overall bolethn gak r perfomances band2 ni..hehe..pas tgk konsert ni aku g melantak dgn abg aku kat steven uptown damansara mkn western food..aku dah la kebulur giler n thn lapa time tgk konsert ni.mmg puas makan..haha..

Restoran Steven

p/s:sblm ni aku penah g gig kat dewan cina aka MPC ea nama dier ntah aku tak ingt time couple launch album dier..gig ni 1st time aku g n mmg aku lompat2 cm org giler esp time bunkface perform..haha..mmg aku berpeluh macam giler r..mmg sgt best pegi gig ni..hihi..

1st Gig..hehe

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kegilaan Harry Potter Makin Menjadi2 . .

sajer je nk bubuh artikel yg aku jumpa kat yahoo! n ditulis oleh Matt McDaniel pasal filem harry potter..makin tak saba pulak aku tgk half blood prince pas baca artikel ni n tgk trailer dier yg br..seyes addiction harry potter dah kembali wlupn lmbt ag bulan 7 br kuar..haha..

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince The novels of J.K. Rowling were already a global sensation when the movie adaptation of "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" hit screens in late 2001. Then the enormous success of the film franchise has turned her magical world into a full-fledged institution. Collectively, the five movies so far are the second most successful series worldwide in cinema history, beating "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Rings." Only James Bond has earned more money (just over $5 billion, not adjusted for inflation), and with the upcoming release of "Half-Blood Prince," Harry Potter ($4.5 billion) is sure to jump ahead into the top slot.
Let's not forget, though, that the Harry Potter films aren't just commercial successes. Every film has scored a "B" grade or higher with the critics on Yahoo! Movies along with a "Certified Fresh" rating from Plus, the series has racked up six Academy Award nominations. Here is a breakdown of how each of the five movies performed at the box office, and how they were rated by both critics and fans. And we have a first look at new character banners and the latest theatrical trailer for movie number six, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
Release Date: November 16, 2001
U.S. Opening Weekend: $90,294,621
Final Worldwide Gross: $974,733,550

Naturally, the first movie adaptation of the biggest success in recent literary history generated a huge amount of speculation before its release. After Steven Spielberg passed on the opportunity to direct, many fans wondered if Chris Columbus ("Home Alone") could bring Hogwarts to life. But audiences and critics were won over by the movie. Roger Ebert called it "a classic, one that will be around for a long time." "Sorcerer's Stone" was the top-grossing film of 2001 both in the US and worldwide, and it still has the highest total for any of the Potter movies.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Release Date: November 15, 2002
U.S. Opening Weekend: $88,357,488
Final Worldwide Gross: $878,643,482

The second film hit theaters 364 days after the first, and again opened at number one, just slightly behind the original's take. Critics overall were happy with it, though the few detractors expressed themselves in stronger terms. Most complaints were directed at the movie's 2 hour, 41 minute running time, which was nine minutes more than the previous movie and still the longest to date. As the number two movie of the year worldwide, "Chamber of Secrets" was a bigger hit internationally than in the U.S., where it came in behind "Spider-Man," "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" and "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones."
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Release Date: June 4th, 2004
U.S. Opening Weekend: $93,687,367
Final Worldwide Gross: $795,634,069

The series shook things up for the third movie. Chris Columbus left the director's chair and Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron stepped in, even though he had not read a Potter book before. Michael Gambon was brought in to play Dumbledore after Richard Harris passed away right before the release of the second film. And this was the first movie to open in the summer season. With kids out of school, the June release gave this a bigger opening than the first two, but the increased competition ultimately lead to the lowest final gross of the series. Conversely, "Prisoner" has been the best-reviewed movie of the series. Stephen Whitty of the Newark Star-Ledger said, "The other films had magic brooms, but this is the first picture that flies."
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Release Date: November 18th, 2005
U.S. Opening Weekend: $102,685,961
Final Worldwide Gross: $895,921,036

For the first time, the essentially British "Harry Potter" film series actually had an English director, Mike Newell. The book of "Goblet of Fire" was nearly twice as long as the previous one, and at one point the filmmakers considered splitting it into two movies. But they reduced the story to a manageable size by trimming down the opening at the Quidditch World Cup and cutting storylines for Ron and Hermione. "Goblet of Fire" was the first film of the series to receive a PG-13 rating due to its darker subject matter and the on-screen death of a character. That didn't hurt the film's reception, though, as it earned the biggest opening of the franchise and went on to be the #1 film of 2005 worldwide.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Release Date: July 11th, 2007
U.S. Opening Weekend (5-day): $139,715,157
Final Worldwide Gross: $938,212,738

One impressive fact about the "Harry Potter" movies is that, besides the necessity of replacing the late Richard Harris, there have been no major cast changes in the series. There was speculation that this might be the last film with the original leads, but they eventually signed on to finish the series. British director David Yates took the reigns for this film, and even though he had mostly worked in television before this, the producers signed him on to do all the remaining films. "Order of the Phoenix" divided critics more than the earlier films: The Hollywood Reporter called it "the least enjoyable of the lot so far," while New York Magazine said "this is the best Harry Potter picture yet." Still, the movie had another massive summer opening, and the IMAX version -- presented for the first time with 20 minutes of the movie in 3D -- broke all previous records. "Phoenix" was the second highest grossing movie of 2007 worldwide, and the second biggest Potter movie to date.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Release Date: July 15th, 2009

The sixth movie was originally scheduled to open last November, but was pushed into this summer to fill in the gap left by last year's Writers' Guild strike. That created a two-year space between films that has been the longest of the series. Unlike the books, "Half-Blood Prince" is not the next-to-last movie. For the final installment, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," the filmmakers are going back to their old idea and splitting the massive book into two movies coming in 2010 and 2011. Interestingly, after two PG-13 movies, "Prince" is rated PG, but from the looks of the new trailer, it stands to be as action-packed and emotional as any of the previous films.

Kemelut Rumah Tangga Ustazah Noriza Ali !

AMARAN: Posting ini tidak sama sekali untuk menghina mengherdik mahupun mengejek ustzah noriza dan keluarga.ia hanya sekadar ingin memberi pemberitahuan serta teladan kepada sesiapa yang mengenali ustazah..

Cover Dpn Kosmo! 7 April 2009

Pada tanggal 7 April 2009 iaitu hari Selasa aku telah digemparkan dgn satu berita iaitu kes perceraian ustazah noriza ali..act aku dah tau lama pon yg ustazh menghadapi masalah dlm rumah tgga dier n nk mintak cerai kat suami dier tapi pada ari tersebut aku amat terkejut pasal berita ustazah nk cerai siap masuk paper n jadi cover dpn KOSMO! ag.kat dlm paper Metro pon ader kuar pasl ustzah ni.pada pagi tu aku kat umah sajer je nk blk umah nk amik buku syariah and pqs nk stdy for xam sc of quran..mula2 aku dapat msg drpd Ikhwan yg berbunyi:

"Azam ader baca paper Kosmo tak arini?Ustazah Noriza ader kuar paper cover dpn..huhu.."(lebey kurg r psal aku dah terdelete msg ni)

mula2 aku tak endahkan msg ikwan ni pasal aku ingt ustazh kuar cover dpn pasal bnda laen or perkara2 baek psl dier..den pa2 aku dpt msg drpd Nadea plk yg berbunyi:

"Azam!cte ustazah noriza cerai kt kosmo n metro kt kosmo mke ustazah kt pg dpn lg"(yg ni mmg exact msg nadea psl aku save)

pas aku baca msg ni aku pon ap ag terus OMG n terkedu seketika!beberapa minit kemudian aku medapati diri aku dah kat newstands n pegang paper KOSMO! dan baca dgn pantasnya ap yg wartawan tulis pasal ustazah..

Ustazah kat Cover Dpn Kosmo!

well kat dalam paper ni dier citer ustazah mintak cerai kat husband dier pasal dier tak tahan kena ganggu dgn makhluk,husband dier ni tukang duk rawat2 org yg kena kacao dgn hantu2 wartawan ni citer ustazah dah tak tahan dgn husband dier pasal ustazh n anak2 kena tempias skali kena kaco dgn hantu2 ni..husband dier ni takder pulak pembantu smpi dier dgn anak2 kena tlong dier time rawat org.kdg2 tu smpi ke lewat malam hsband dier rawat org..dlam paper ni ader kenyataan ustazah yg berbunyi "Saya sering kali terasa kaki dipegang oleh sesuatu (benda) yang sejuk.Malah anak pun takut berada berseorangan di rumah.Saya juga pernah ternampak kelibat hitam berlari pantas di dalam rumah."Ustazah pernah ngadu kat husband dier tapi husband dier wat dono..kenyataan akhbar menyebut ag "Justeru,Noriza berkata, beliau sudah hilang perasaan sayang dan tidak lagi menghormati suaminya itu yang disifatkan sbg tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap dirinya dan anak-anak..selain kena kaco dgn hantu kat dalam paper ni pon ader ckp ustzah menderita pasal "dianiaya dan disakiti suami"..

Artikel pasal Ustazh dlm paper Kosmo!

Siannya aku kat ustazah.sblm ni aku dapat tau drpd beberapa sumber yg ustazah mintak cerai kat hsbnd dier pasal hsbnd dier maen kayu tiga..yg ni tak tau betul kew tak n time aku dgr ni aku tak bape percaya sgt pasal hsbnd dier ni dah la alim ulama.ustazah n hsbnd dier graduan dr Universiti Yarmouk kat Jordan ag..den ader pulak yg bgtau aku sblm ni ustzah pernah pegi skola pakai spek mata itam pasal dier kena pukul dgn hsbnd dier..yg ni aku lagi r terkejut..den last year bulan 12 aku ader pegi skola time SPM dgn Duma.time ni aku nk amik sjil SPM n ktorg ader la jumpa Pn aku tnya la Pn Mus betulke citer pasal ustzah noriza nk cerai?den Pn Mus ckp mus citer dier takder r plk tnya ustazah or tego psl ustzah nk cerai ni cuz time ni pn mus masih lagi sedey pasal hsbnd dier meninggal so tak bani nk tego.tapi dier tgk ustzah mmg murung jew r.huhu..slps aku dpt pengesahan dr puan mus ni mmg aku sedey..tak sangka ustazah noriza yg dlu penah jadi guru kelas aku time form 4 n form 5 ader masalah cmni..dlu aku tgk dier bahagia jer..even tho kat skola dier slalu melaser aku n rakan2 sekelas pasal kelembapan ktorg dlm memahami sbjk arab tggi tapi aku stil sian kat dier.ktorg mmg dlu slalu wat masalah n ad gak r tak puas ati dgn ustazah psl ustzah mmg kuat giler melaser dlm klas smpi penah skali tu dlm klas ustzah ckp ktorg payah nk phm arab tggi psl ktorg tak pandai n suka wat aktivit2 lagha cm tgk wyg (time ustzh ckp ni smua pandang aku pasl aku terkenal sbg kaki tgk wyg dlu kat skola n suka boasting kat org yg aku dah tgk smua citer br..haha) dgr lagu2 tak elok dan sbgnya..ustzah jugak penah bg gelaran kambing ke ap kat hazim muaz n syuk pasal drop arab tggi..hahaha..tapi aku tak penah amik seyes pon laseran uszth tu pasal aku tau mmg byk slah ktorg pon tak laja arab tggi btul2..ustazah juga kuat nasihat ktorg bagi nasihat2 serta bimbingan agama kat ktorg..slalu ingt ktorg pasal bab2 agama ni n amik berat kat ktorg.dlu time ktorg tgh krisis dgn para pentadbir pon dier ader ckp klu ader masalah bgtau dier n dier bole tolong selesaikan..huhu.

Ustazh dgn anak2 muridnya klas 5 Ibn Sina

Sesi fotografi 5 Ibnu Sina dgn pentadbir time graduasi

Papepon aku hanya mampu mendoakan yg terbaik utk ustazah.smoga ustzah tabah dalam menghadapi ujian besar bagi tiap manusia dlm hidup merka yg diturunkan oleh Allah kepada ustazah..slalunya klu Tuhan nk turunkan ujian ni kepada hambaNya itu menunjukkan yg Allah sayang kat dier ag n ujian yg diturnkan oleh Allah tu tak pernah melebihi dprd kemampuan manusia itu..Sesungguhnya Allah telah berfirman dalam Surah Al-Syarh ayat 4 hingga 7 yang bermaksud:

Dan Kami telah meninggikan bagimu: sebutan namamu (dengan mengurniakan pangkat Nabi dan berbagai kemuliaan)?

Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,

(Sekali lagi ditegaskan): bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.

Kemudian apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain),

Marilah kite terutamanya kepada warga Sg Pusu jua bersama2 mendoakan kebahagiaan ustazah agar dier dpt menghadapi masalah ni dg hati yang tenang dan redha..Amin..

5 Ibnu Sina 2006 ! !

p/s:tibe2 rasa nak major Mass Communication patu jadi anak didik Michelle MELODI..hahaha..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Astaghfirullahalazim . . .

Wat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah idup aku lepas jawab soklan final xam aku berasa marah sgt pasal soklan xam yg aku jwb tadi payah HELL nk mampos ! ! eiiyyy geramnya..time blaja sbjk ni macam senang jer n bole pkir logik..skali amik ko time soklan dier kuar!terkantant-kantat la aku jawab..ader dua soklan dalam paper sbjk ni yg aku tak dapat jawab..

Soklan first yg payah dier tnya "What are the bases used by Muslim scholars to classify sciences.Write your answer with example of the classification."puas aku memikir ap laa soklan ni nk mmg aku bazirkan masa jwb soklan ni jew.dah r 10 markah.ilang cm2 jer pasal aku merapu..den time tggl 25 minit jer aku g soklan yg bwh ni pulak...

Soklan dier yg Question Three,dier tnya "Discuss with evidence(s) how the Qur'an addresses the role of human reason in relation to the sacred sources of Divine Revelation (the Qur'an and Sunnah) for the advancement of knowledge and science in Islam."..patu yg aku tak tahan 18 marks lak tu!Masya Allah!mmg aku ilang 18 markah cam2 jer skali lagi pasal aku mmg blank giler tak tau nk jwb pe..mmg aku main scribble jew ap yg terlintas dlm pala otak aku tanpa letak ayt2 quran dan sewaktu dgnnya..arrghhh!!mmg dapat B- pon tak kompem ag pasal dah jwb cm bengong2 jew terima kasih kpd dua2 soklan ni..

p/s:sok paper intro hs yg killer bg aku..intro len tak kuar smua chapter paper ni jer yg kuar SEMUA chapters..dah r ader 12 bab!!hnya mampu guna teknik PASRAH dan TAWAKAL nk jwb sok..huhu..

*kepada sesiapa yg baca posting ni sblm aku edit ni,aku ingin minta maap pasal aku terlampau byk sgt mencarut..tibe2 rasa bersalah so trus tkr tjk posting ni n buang carutan2 tu.aku hnya insan yg lemah lagi tak berdaya menghadapi segala tekanan yg makin berat di kelilingku.Ya Allah,ampunilah dosa2 hambamu ini..huhu*

Tajuk Posting ni pada mulanya aku letak Paper Final Xam yang Pep** dan Pu**

Sunday, April 12, 2009

2009 Movies Dat Must Be Watched ! !

Sajer jer nk wat a list of movies yg aku wajib n perlu tonton di cinema pada thun ini.smua muvie ni ader yg aku mmg dah lama ternanti2 dr dlu or ader yg aku sajer2 nk tgk or rasa mmg dapat jd box office nyer..(act tgh borink time wat post ni n mls nk stdy even tho next week xam 3 ari berturut2!rentong mak!haha)

X Men Origins

Aku mmg minat giler X-Men since muvie dier yg no 1 ag..klu dlu kat tv pon aku akn berusaha utk catch up citer ni time kecik2 dlu..suka giler tgk dorg dgn power2 n lawan2 tak abis2 wlupn dah kalah menang byk kali..haha..even tho x men kali ni wolverine je da centre of character dier tapi ader je character len yg tak penah muncul cm gambit ader dlm x men kali ni.jgn character dier tibe2 mati kat mula2 citer cm cyclope dlu sudey..hehe

Star Trek XI

Aku tak penah pon minat citer star trek ni psl dier terlampau sci-fi..tapi myb remake star trek yg br ni wat citer ni ag best n wat aku tertarik utk menonton citer2 sci-fi..dlu aku tak minat star wars pon tapi stlh tgk revenge of the sith terus tgk no 1 smpi 6 nyer star wars..zachary quinto yg berlakon jadi Sylar dlm Heroes pon ader berlakon dlm citer nk gak tgk dier jadi org baek gak syik tgk dier jadi villain jer..hehe

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen

Citer transformers yg 1st mmg awesome giler dgn CGI dier mmg meletop abis.teruja giler aku tgk.aku mls la plk nk bc sinopsis citer ni psl ap tapi yg aku dpt merasakan citer ni akn jadi box office cm no 1 nyer gak..hehe..

Terminator Salvation

Another sci-fi movie yg aku nk tgk.act dah lma aku tgk citer terminator time kecik2 dlu n plg aku ingt skali aku tgk terminator 3 kat hostel dlu time ckg fadzly (cmni ke eja nama dier) jd warden.mlm 2 ktorg wat movie show kat bilik rehat aspura.haha.time aku tgk no 3 ni aku tak paham lgsg citer ni n so terus daht ak minat..but last year sjk abg aku promote tgk citer series Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles trus aku minat citer ni.siap baca sinopsis citer no 1 2 3 tu nk pham ap sbnrnya pasal citer ni.hehe..

Night At The Museum : Battle Of The Smithsonian

Ben Stiller mmg pandai berlakon n wat lawak2 best dlm smua muvie dier.mintak2 night at the museum yg no 2 ni best gak cm no 1.

GI Joe : The Rise Of Cobra

Well another remake movie..dlu ader jer movie dier yg 1st tapi thn 1987 which is soo yesterday..penah gak tgk kartun dier dlu2 time zaman kanak2..hehe

17 Again

Citer ni kuar next week jer pon tbe2 aku rasa nk tgk.myb aku nk tgk zac efron cmner dier berlakon dalam citer yg non-musical.tgk trailer dier macam best n aku baca kat blog safwa pn dier ckp best..well sah2 aku celebrate merdeka aku from final xams sem ni dgn tgk citer ni..haha

Hannah Montana : The Movie

Fyi,aku mmg minat giler kat hannah montana.suka ati r korg nk ckp aku ni childish tapi ntah aku suka giler tgk hannah montana yg series ni kat disney channel (aku rasa aku addicted hampir smua citer kat dlm disney channel..haha).klu aku tgk hannah montana msti aku gelak sorg2 n fmly aku msti pelik tgk aku even tho lawak dier bg org len tak sebaper mana lawak mmg wajib r aku tgk da movie nyer.yg best gak ader tyra banks n taylor swift kat dm citer ni..hehe..

Angels & Demons

Nampaknya dunia Christianity akan dikejutkan sekali lagi dgn filem adaptasi drpd buku Dan Brown yg penuh kontroversi wich is of kos Angel & Demons.aku yakin Vatican akn kutuk sehabis-habisan citer ni cm dier wat kat citer The Da Vinci Code.aku dah baca buku ni n citer dier mmg best giler r.seswai dgn taste aku yg minat sejarah n religion.hehe..mmg really lookin forward to watch this movie!

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

Seharusnya movie yg plg aku nt2kan dis year is Harry Potter no 6 cuz i am harry potter DIE-HARD-FAN!mmbr2 sg pusu aku mmg sudah tau n masak sgt dgn ketaksuban harry potter aku sewaktu di sekola dahulu shgga aku telah mnyebarkan dakyah2 harry potter ke dalam diri mereka.haha..wlupn aku ader post psal early review citer ni kata tak best tu tak bermakna aku takkan tgk citer la patutnya kuar last year tapi g tangguh july thn ni pasal nk bg 'laluan' kat twilight.puas aku duk menunggunya.tensen!tapi nsb bek twilight pon best gak..papepon,harry potter mmg movie yg aku nk sgt2 tgk dlm smua citer yg aku tulis dlm posting ni!!

p/s: thanz to mimi..hehe

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Xperia X1 or iPhone ? ?

Xperia X1 or iPhone ? ?

Wlupun aku tgh xam skang ni n sok xam mass comm wich byk giler aku tak cover ag,i still cannot resist da temptation to express my current addiction to gadgets..haha..mula2 aku ingt pas aku dah bli w910i yg ori kat sony centre the curve dah tak la addict dgn hp br2 ni..skali tibe2 aku dpt taw yg iPhone dah ader kat msia..aku dah hilang kawalan n addicted kembali dgn gadget2 br ni..patu ditambah ag dgn info dr abg aku yg kata iphone or pda cm2 ley terima wireless uia,lagi bertambah2 r tak keruan serta merembes2 r rangsangan n hormon2 utk beli hp br..haha..(tp taktau ag betol ke tak dese gadgets wireless uia bole time but yg pasti aku akn g itd nk kompem kan bnda ni)..yela klu dapat wireless uia ni mmg best giler pasal aku bole online dimana2 sajer kat dlm uia ni (excpt kat mahalah r unless bilik aku dkt dgn cafe cm skang..huhu) n save giler duet takyah nk subcribe broadband..drpd aku spend rm98 per month 4 celcom broadband slama 4 to 5 years aku laja kat uia ni wich currently rmi bdk uia pki n aku tgk coverage dier plg mantap skali kat sini,bek aku beli jer trus hp yg mahal n ader wifi trus drpd nk spend berbulan2 4 broadband..(no offense k to any broadband subscribers)..mau beribu lbey aku spend smata2 utk broadband time laja kat sni..ewww!uia ni dah r smua guna on9 jer..dr nk register kos ke check result smua..urgh!so stlah aku duk mengusha hp ap yg best kat web,i have determined to buy iphone or xperia..

Xperia X1 by Sony Ericsson

The X1 is an arc-slider phone with the Windows Mobile 6.1 Operating System. It is Sony Ericsson's first mobile phone to feature Windows Mobile. Device also has Java virtual machine (JBed) and supports JavaME that is claimed to have richer set of features than typically available.
The phone features a three-inch touchscreen overlaying a keypad which emerges when the user slides the touchscreen face upward, much as in the HTC TyTN II, although the X1's touchscreen slides out in an arc. Its touchscreen is a 65,536-color TFT WVGA display. It has a 3.2 megapixel digital camera which records video at thirty frames per second in VGA (640x480) quality. There is also a secondary front facing camera for videoconferencing that is of QCIF format. Connectivity options for the phone include: mini-USB; wireless LAN 802.11b/g; Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP, FTP, and HID; EDGE; and quad-band GSM, UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA, and HSCSD. The X1 has 512MB of internal memory (400MB free), which is expandable to 32 gigabytes using High Capacity microSD cards, although currently only cards up to 16 gigabytes have been released by SanDisk. The phone also features A-GPS for navigation.
The X1 ships with Opera Mobile pre-installed.
Standard features on the X1 include push email, an RSS feed aggregator, and handwriting recognition.
It is also able to use the GSM network feature Alternate line service.[8]
The device is powered by Qualcomm's ARM 11 MSM7200A CPU, which runs at 528 MHz. The device's memory is 256 MB RAM

iPhone by Apple

The iPhone is an internet-connected multimedia smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. with a flush multi-touch screen and a minimal hardware interface. The device does not have a physical keyboard, so a virtual keyboard is rendered on the touch screen instead. The iPhone functions as a camera phone (including text messaging and visual voicemail), a portable media player (equivalent to an iPod), and an Internet client (with email, web browsing, and local Wi-Fi connectivity). The first-generation phone hardware was quad-band GSM with EDGE; the second generation also adds UMTS with HSDPA.

Well bg aku dr segi usage myb aku lbey selesa guna xperia pasal dier punya interface lbey kpd microsoft compare to macintosh 4 iphone.kat msia ni mana la org pki sgt mac.laen la klu aku duk US where everyone uses mac jer.patu xperia dier ader keyboard compare to touch screen jer smua.sng la klu aku nak taip msg takder terhegeh2 duk tkn huruf kat screen.huhu..tapi design iphone lagi appealing compare to xperia n memory dier ag byk compare to xperia..bole la aku simpan muvie takpon tv series dlm ni..huhu.bsides klu guna iphone msti rmi giler toleh pala dorg 180 degrees klu aku guna n jalan2 kat uia la nk fab.hahaha...papepon aku stil on dilemaa..huhu..kan best klu bole beli dua2 jer terus..haha..kaya la sgt ko cik kiah oii..keja menanam tebu kat bibir org n wat ketupat yg isi dier penuh pasal skandal org jer mana la byk sgt duit poket ko tu..haha..

p/s:mana nk cr duit nk beli ni?God I need that JPA scholarship!malas nk keja dah..hahaha.


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