Saturday, May 16, 2009


I am hurt when i see my best fren got last i have heard the stories and the confessions..she told me she's okay right now and she has move on but i am not okay with it."no dramas azam" she told me again..yes no least for now..

p/s: Best giler merempit bersama Trah,Mus n Nadea g KLCC tgk premiere Angels and Demons on 14th May.basah kuyup giler ktorg time odwy blk..haha.btw thanz for the beverage n popcorn Trah!


p/ss: I am getting shophaholic symptoms as I have bought a sweater just aku pikir yg Sweater ni takder kat butik2 Nike laen except kat Nike Pavilion wlupon aku mmg tgh takder duet n aku msti beli dier ASAP cuz takut abis stok.besides dis sweater pon tggl yg display jew for my I have to use my imaginary credit card to buy dis sweater.owh Rebecca Bloomwood thank you for da,dis sweater costs me 249 bucks!

A Dream Comes True . .


  1. i sometimes hv d symptoms as well. thinking dat it's 1 of a kind n d las piece, from xde duit, jd ade duit.

  2. btw azam, it's exactly 2 months on d day dat i spilled it to u.

  3. to una:
    owh aku rasa ko takyah tau la sape org tu..hehe..

    to arwen:
    Seyesly??ko mmg pandai giler pilih date nk spill out the deets to me..huhu..aku rasa aku akn guna tactic yg sama kot klu aku kempunan nk beli pape brg.hehe

  4. aku jeles.. hampir2 nk kuar bersama,coz trah ajak aku skali.. agak2 kalo aku out,nak nek ape la yek? lok2 je 4 org 2 moto.. n yes azam,i also know the story.. hurm,no comments.. sometimes people do things that hurt other people. it happens.. but still,aku xbackup spe2 n xsalahkan ne2 pihak.. just wish the best for both of them....

  5. nk wat cmner bnda pown dah berlalu tak elok la sgt nk diungkit2kan..huhu..alaa yan klu ko ikot kiter naek jew r putra sama2..mula2 ktorg plan nk naek putra pown tapi mcm malas nk naek cuz nt balik msti rmi org..tapi klu ko ader msti ktorg sggp naek putra nye..hehe

  6. no la, kebetulan je la date tu. x plan pun.

  7. azam cmne cte angels n demons?bes??
    eeh ko skg dah pandai nk jadik rebecca bloomwood eh!

  8. haha..sgt best k!tapi citer dier lama giler 2 jam lbey..lagi lama dr star trek..of kos pani aku nk beli a pair of jeans lak abg aku ckp ader jual murah jew kat ou..haha.

  9. pic korg tu mule2 ak igt cm tgh maen go kart..merempit upenye..

  10. haha.. ok... next ??? hehe... nk g ner plak ??

  11. aku tau trah!funfair Giant Batu Caves!hehe..


HaaA Ngomel JAngan TAk NgomeL !


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