Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Since skang ni YuYaYiea students tgh on xam period, aku ingin mengomel pasal xam2 aku. Ohh dan juga bnda2 laen as usual.

Aku skang ni tgh break from examination selama seminggu. Before this aku ader xam 4 hari berturut2 well not 4 hari stret but ader la gap satu hari but still aku consider xam tu 4 hari berturut2 pasal pala aku nk pecah n tangan aku nek penat menulis tak berhenti2 kat ats answer booklet. Da best thing being a Human Science student especially History student is that most of da time ap yg ktorg tules kat for jwpn final korg ley wat reka cerita sndri or ap yg ko rasa btol dgn sesuka hatinya ktorg. Da thing is smua xam aku is essay n aku dah lama giler tak jwb soklan true false, fill in the blanks and especially mcq questions ! No specific jalan kerja is required like maths or formulas yg ktorg kena hafal but just tules je ap yg korg taw pasal soklan tu. Soo klu dah paksa kena wat essay ni sah2la mmg keja aku akn mengarut je. I think dis semester paper yg aku rasa full of craps is History of Malaysia 1. Bukak2 je paper aku tgk 1st soklan dah pening. Soklan dier berbunyi lbey kurg "Give an account about the Islamic education system during British Malaya". Pas aku baca soklan ni aku trus What the Heck ? ? Mana byk benda nk citer pasal Islamic education system time British. Kat dlm notes yg aku ader nipon tak smpi satu paragraph pon citer psl Islamic education system ni. Even aku dah belek2 Buku ulangkaji Sejarah PMR aku rasa takder pon citer byk pasal tajuk ni. Dahla 14 markah. Soo aku pon wat citer dongeng-tahyul aku sendiri. Alaa dah kata History of Malaysia soo wut do u expect sejarah kiter ni pon mmg full of mitos smua. Haha jahat giler aku kutuk sejarah negara sndri. Seyesly aku mmg tak suka Sejarah Malaysia. Tersangatla bohsan !

Paper Reflections on the Prophetic History n Islamic Aqidah pon aku rasa men bantai je aku wat. Ntah ngarut2 je aku men buh opinions aku sndri. Yg tak tahan 1st soklan Islamic Aqidah dier tnya "Analyze critically da concept of Tawhid in Surah al-Ikhlas and What are ur responds to the contemporary issues that challenges the Islamic Aqidah." Aku ni dahla bukannya hafal smua mksd ayt Surah al-Ikhlas soo dgn tawakalnya la jawab n translate skit2 ap yg aku rasa betol. Patu bole pulak dier tnya pasal concept al-Din n soh discuss concept ni mengikut related terms dier kasi which aku dah tak ingt dah. Semestinya la aku bantai skali ag. Haish paper yg aku rasa aku wat btol2 pon skang ni The Abbasid Caliphate je psl aku cm bersemangat skit carry mark aku 'agak' tggi. N myb aku akn wat btol2 4 da last paper Ahd ni which is Survey of Ancient Civilizations pasal nipon carry mark aku 'agak' tggi. Yg len macam HARAAMMM.

Aku harap sgt aku dpt Dean List ag sem ni pasal aku dpt merasakan dis semester ni adalah peluang terakhir aku nk dpt DL cuz pani aku dah minor BBA. Soo sah2la BBA sbjcts ni akn tariknya pointer aku kaw2 nt n seyesly BBA punya sbjcts agak susah bg aku wlupon aku tak laja ag. Yg pasti aku akn culture shock skjp pasal nk adapt dgn transition blaja sbjk2 yg ader no balik ni. Myb korg wonder naper aku minor BBA klu aku dah taw yg aku kompem payah nk bwk. Well it's ol about job market. Klu major History je nk keja ap je kat luar nt. Aku ni bukan duk UK which aku rasa klu saper ader degree History kompem ramai nk amik aku kejanya (Haha.Yakin je) but I live in Malaysia. Manala laku sgt degree history ni. So aku arap2 tak sia2la aku minor BBA ni.

Selain drpd dilemma n takot dgn akademik, aku takot with da next coming 26 April 2010. Risaunyaaaaaaa tarikh ni n aku arap aku bersedia la. Org kata klu Allah dah panggil kiter tu tak elokla klu tak 'jawab' kan. Bersediakah aku ni? Sigh.

Pas abes sem ni kena angkut smua barang lak balik umah pasal kena tkr bilik. Bodo la sejak ader pre-reg mahallah guna on9 ni. Payah aku nk sebilik dgn rum8 aku. Dahla short sem nt aku kena merempat mahalah laen pasal dgr kata mahalah aku nk kena renovate. Mintak2la dapat Ali. Pliz no other Mahalah len ! !

Another thing dat bother aku is iPhone aku ! Act dah almost sebulan lebey aku tak pakai iPhone aku due to certain circumstances. Klu sp yg pakai iphone bolela aku citer pasal korg akn pahamnya. Klu nk citer kat post ni bukan korg pahamnya. Soo kepada yg kata iPhone aku ilang atau rosak tu smua tu salah ea. Ader la sebab len naper aku takle pakai iPhone aku ni. Huhu. Wahai GeoHot dan kaum kerabatnya, silalh cpt kuarkan jailbreak 3.1.3 ! Aku dah nek ponet ni r tggu. Seyes idup aku mmg nek tak keruan takder iPhone. Mmg sgt giler ! ! Tiap2 ari aku bukak web iphonedownloadblog nk tgk dah kuar blum jb 3.1.3 ni. Bodo btol itunes g update iphone aku ritu. Keadaan takder iphone ni telah membuatkan aku dah beli iphone br which aku expect akn dpt dlm awal bulan 4 ni. Gilak tak aku? Soo korg bole nampak betapa desperatenya aku nk pakai iphone ni. Well, just wait n see jela ap nk jadi nt. Huhu.

p/s: Citer The Lovely Bones tak best r. Byk ngarut2. Mula2 je cm best patu dah tgh2 tak best. Peter Jackson makin merepek2 wat citer. Tolong r Pakcik Peter wat filem2 yg bermutu kembali spt Lord of the Rings trilogy dlu. Nk tgk citer The Last Song n Dear John tapi ntah biler laa nk kuar kat Msia ni.

p/ss: KLCC dah jadi umah kedua aku instead of OU. Dah lama aku tak g OU. Huu

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kena Tag daaa . .

Cik (ke Puan?Hahaha) Azyan Azilah telah tag aku wat menatang ni. Mula2 Zul tag dier n skang dier tag aku lak. Aku pon dah lama x wat tag2 ni soo saje2 la nk wat tag ni. Hehe . .

soalan 1 : apakah hubungan anda dengan dia?

Of kos la kawan . Best fren kot. Wlupon kitorg tak share everything bout each other from A to Z but kitorg stil remain close. Stiap kali jumpa n borak msti gelak besar. Aku gelak sopan la skit Yan je la gelak cm jantan. Haha.

soalan 2 : 5 impression terhadap dia.
1. Bising Bising BISING ! Sakit telinga aku. Hahaha
2. Comics esp Hajime Kindaichi.
3. Aset yang MANTOP ! ! Muahaha
4. Loyal. Sggp setia kat Yus wlupon Yus slalu g overc. Yucks !
5. Cuteeeeeee ! Naseb bek ko pandai berfesyen klu tak dh lama aku tak nk kwn dgn ko. Haha.

soalan 3 : perkara yang paling memorable dia lakukan kepada awak.
Aku tak baper ingt sgt r. Ader la skali time tu aku kuar g KISAS aptu Yan nangis teruk giler tgk aku bla. Haha. Myb byk ag kot bnda yg memorable tapi aku tak baper ingt. Sory Yan !

soalan 4 : perkara yang paling memorable dia katakan pada awak.
Tak ingt gak. Haha.

soalan 5 : kalau dia kekasih awak?
Tak nk la. Aku tak suka pompuan pendek. Nk pompuan tggi.. Haha. Bapak kuang ajar aku.

soalan 6 : kalau dia musuh awak?
Semestinya laa aku wat rumours horrible giler takpon anta gmba dier kat bomoh siam nk bg dier kena santau smpi idup dier takkan tenang. Lalala . .

soalan 7 : kalau dia kekasih awak, awak akan..
Taja smua make up baju dier smua supaya dier sentiasa nampak anggun n ayu. Ohh aku akn utamakn kasut esp. Dah takder dah sneaker2 ni sah2 aku soh dier pakai Manolo Blahnik n seangkatannya je tiap kali g date. Klu kasut murah pon Vincci+ je r aku kasi. Patu rmbt aku soh dier wat extension cm rmbt Aishwarya Rai. Haha

soalan 8 : kalau dia musuh awak, mungkin kerana..
Dier g curi iPhone aku takpon dier backstabbed aku. Haha.

soalan 9 : overall impression tentang dia.
Sgt periang ! !

soalan 10 : the most desirable thing to do to her/him.
Nk ajar Yan takpon wat ap je cara smpi Yan dah tak pelat sebut R ! ! Yippie !

soalan 11 : apa awak rasa pandangan orang terhadap awak?

soalan 12 : apakah sebenarnya perangai anda?
Aku sgt2 suka ushaaaaaaaaaaaaa orang ! Yumm Yumm ! Aku ader tabiat buruk which is sgt horrible n EUUWWW n smpi skang aku takle nk stop.

soalan 13 : perangai anda yang anda benci.
Sgt mls bersukan n sgt tidak aktif dlm clubs or societies.

soalan 14 : orang yang anda ingin bersama.
D.G dan seangkatan dgnnya.

soalan 15 : katakan sesuatu untuk orang-orang yang suka anda.
I love u too !

soalan 16 : tag 5 orang..
Tak nk la. Nt korg ngutuk aku cm aku kutuk Yan ni r. Haha.

p/s: Ooooo KWN SKOLA ader kol aku nk dkt lbey 5 tapi aku tak angkat pon satu kol dier. Patu dier anta msg "Thnx tkn mera!gdluk fnal.salam". Motep? Bak kata Lady Gaga in her song Telephone

Stop Callin', Stop Callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Yes I am a BITCH ! Haha.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Remember Me


Aku baru je balik from watching Remember Me kat KLCC. Haish nk dkt xam ni la aku makin ligat tgk wyg sblm2 ni takder la ligat sgt nk layan muvies. Ntah naper tibe2 aku rasa cm intrigue sgt2 nk tgk Remember Me. Seyesly I am not Robb Patt fan at all. Aku tgk dier kat Twilight saga aku nek meluat pasal dier terlampau emo bagai mengalahkan pompuan. Haha. Sory la ea to all those gals yg gila2kan Robb Patt. Tapi sajer je nk tgk dier berlakon cmner other than Twilight movies. At first aku ajk Myra nk tgk citer ni cuz I noe dier on Team Edward n minat sgt si jantan ni. Soo kitorg pon plan nk tgk on Tuesday petang bcuz dier ckp dier free time ni. Aku pon Tue petang mmg free takde klas. But out of sudden dier tpksa g discussion kwn dier wat soo dier tak dpt la kuar dgn aku. Aku pon ajk la Nabil my rum8 kuar. Mula2 cm nk tak nk je last2 kitorg pon blasah jela kuar. Nabil ader klas kol 3.30 smpi 5 n showtime petang kol 5.40..Mmg after Nabil abes klas aku trus pick up dier n merempit slaju yg mungkin la g KLCC so nt kitorg tak miss showtime ni. Hehe. Smpi2 sana je kol 5.30 soo trus beli tiket n popcorn n msuk wyg trus. Time nk beli tiket Remember Me ni aku terkejut tgk citer ni 18PL pasal aku mati2 ingt citer ni U je. Haha. Tak sgka lak citer ni 18.

Mula2 citer dier kinda shocking pasal dier tnjk ader sorg pompuan ni kena tembak dgn peragut kat subway. Anak pompuan tu lak gal n kecik ag soo dier mmg menangis nt erkejut giler tgk mak dier kena bunuh cm2. Den trus tnjk scene Robb Patt dgn fmly dier kat kubur. Time Robb Patt kuar ader a few gals yg duk blakang aku tak abes ckp 'eiy comelnya comelnya' smpi aku nk je ckp diamla weyh. Tp seb bek dorg ckp perlahan n tak kuat sgt soo aku tak rasa annoyed r. Dlm citer ni Robb Patt pegang character Tyler yg diri dier sgt tak terurus dgn takder hala tuju n mmg ader masalah dgn ayh dier. Parents dier dah divorce but they stil remain contact to each other. Tyler pon ader little sister n dorg ni agak rapat r. Tyler ni ader abang tapi abg dier dah mati sbb commit suicide n Tyler blame kat ayh dier yg abg dier bunuh dri. Patu ayh dier ni mmg cm tak amik kesah sgt pasal dier n adek dier wlupon bapak dier kaya giler. Ader satu mlm tu Tyler ni terlibat dgn fight scene kat alley n smpi polis dtg leraikan dier stil tak puas ati dgn polis ni smpi dier kena blasah dgn polis ni n masuk lokap. After ayh bail dier kuar dr jail, dier dpt taw yg anak polis yg blasah dier tu g college sama dier. Anak polis ni pompuan so si rum8 Tyler ni cabar la Tyler tackle anak polis ni nama dier Ally. Ally ni pulak little gal yg mula2 mak dier mati kena tembak kat subway tu. Pas dah tackle dier pon fall in love dgn Tyler. Robb Patt dlm citer ni mmg sgt selekeh n slalu isap rokok je keja. Soo mmg agak contradict gak r cm dlm Twilight whereby dier dipotraykan sbg vampire yg sentiasa jaga kebersihan. Soo seswai la dlm si Robb ni berlakon dlm citer ni pasal dlm real life pon dier kan mmg pengotor smpi rmbt pon berhari2 tak basuh. Euuww.. Haha. N den dier mmg sgt suka smoking. Tapi pas tgk Robb Patt berlakon dlm citer brla aku nmpk skit r (skit je pon tak byk) naperla many gals minat sgt kat laki ni. Robb Patt bg aku dier ader sort of charm cm bad boy+selekeh+tapi smart+protective+deep humour+a little bit romantic n not too romantic yg meluat. Dlm citer ni okay r tapi dlm twilight aku tak suka pasal dier terlampau gedik+emo n protective kat Bella.

Storyline dier mmg slow. Tapi bg aku slow yg tak bosan just slow slow biasa2 je. Hehe. Ader gakla a few scenes yg menarik perhatian aku cm cmner si Tyler ni handle conflict. Plg aku suka tgk relationship dgn adek dier. Sgt adorable tgk dier sbg abg yg selekeh sgt2 tapi at the same time sgt sayang kat adek dier. Patu ader la 2 sex scenes si Tyler dgn Ally ni tapi dier potong la spt biasa. Takpe nt kuar kat tenet ley dload n tgk balik. Meoooow ! ! Haha. But in the end plot citer ni mula stat berkembang n aku rasa excited la tgk. Tyler ni dah stat baek2 dgn ayh dier n dier pon dah couple balik dgn Ally pas dorg gado besar. Time last2 tu ayh si Tyler ni soh dier g ofis dier n tggu dier kat sana while ayh dier nk anta adek dier g skola. Tyler agak terkejut r pasal ayh dier dah stat nk rapat dgn adek dier bcuz b4 dis ayh dier mmg tak layan sgt adek dier. Soo time Tyler g ofis ayh dier, dier terkejut tgk pc ayh dier ader gmba dier,adek dier n arwah abg dier. Soo dier rasa terharu r. Patu ader satu scene ni tnjk kat klas adek dier n teacher tu tules Tuesday, 11 September 2001. Aku dah stat pelik aik naper cikgu tu tules hari n tarik Sept 11 ni. Den dier tnjk balik scene Tyler kat ofis bapak dier n upa2nya ofis bapak dier kat World Trade Centre. Aku pon trus shit BODOOO naper laa ko tibe2 nk wat sad ending. Aku mmg dah sebak dah tibe2 soo aderla nangis skit2. Haha. Aku ingtkan dier nk wat hepy skali sad ending upa2nya. Dier tak tnjkla WTC tu kena langgar tapi ader la tnjk scene WTC den tibe2 hilang. Patu dier tnjk la si Ally, rmu8 Tyler, adek Tyler, bapak n mak dier smua sedey tgk Tyler tu dah mati. Mmg sedey r part ni aku tgk. Tak sgka lak aku nangis gak tgk citer si Robb Patt yg aku meluat sblm2 ni. Haha.

Overall not bad la citer ni. Citer ni mmg seswai sgt for those yg declare diri dorg kipas-susah-mati Robb Patt n peminat setia Team Edward. Hehe. Last week aku g tgk Alice in Wonderland citer ni pon not bad gak. Simple je plot dier tapi sgt delightful. Aku suka giler tgk Anne Hathaway. Kelaka2.

Adehh final xams next week je tapi aku tak rasa pon cm nk final. Rasa cm byk je lecturers aku tak abes ajar ag. Tapi pas dah tgk pas year questions br la rasa cuak giler n rasa payahnya nk score papers sem ni pasal smua soklan cm susah2 je. Papeopn mmg guna teknik pasrah je la nt. Huhu..

p/s: The brother is going back to Turkmenistan dis thursday. Cptnya la Along cuti tak rasa pon 2 mggu dier cuti. Sian bini dier terpaksa lepaskan balik hubby dier. Time dier balik ritu heppy je aku tgk sis-in-law aku melayan kerenah abg aku. Takpela keja nye pasal kan. Seb bek gaji Along masyuk giler BUBBY smpi umah aku skang dah ader astro beyond beb. Mmg pani Balan melekat jela kat umah tgk futbol match in HD. Aku pon ley layan Nat Geo n History in HD. Hee

p/ss: Cptla smpi awal bulan 4. Aku dah tak saba giler ni. Haha

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Telephone ! ! !

At last, kuar gak video Telephone by Lady Gaga feat Beyonce. Seriously this video is ten times better dr Videophone Beyonce feat Gaga yg ntah pape tu. Dah la lagu videophone tu tak best langsung bg aku. So here are some screenshots from the video. Hehe . . *Warning: Pictures contain some nudity*

Lady Gaga diapit duorg pompuan tua yg dah ghayut giler baban masuk dlm penjara. Euuuw !
Spek mata dipenuhi dgn cigarettes yg masih stil berasap ! ! Mmg dah tak betul la Gaga ni. Haha.
Perasan tak sanggul rmbt Gaga tin2 Diet Coke? Creative giler ! Me likey .
Pakai top n g string je.
Horny Gaga
Cute !
Beyonce started to appear as Gaga friend who bail her out form the jail.
They plan to kill Beyonce boyfriend. Gaga called Beyonce Honey-B.
Headset Gaga tu telepon sbnrnya. Pasan tak yg warna putih tu tmpt dial no tepon ? Me likey again ! !
The recipes to make poison dish. Haha
I love her when she posed like dat ! Sgt hilarious pon ader. Cm posed kat dlm Bad Romance.
Beyonce silences her motherfucker word. Haha
Dance and Dance !
The same shade that Gaga wore in Paparazzi video
Beyonce nganga mulut.
Dancing again
Gaga in leopard

Hmm tutup aurat. Hahaha

Adorable kan video dier? Haha. I noe adorable is not da right word but the right word is BITCH ! Oh yeah FREAK too ! ! But I really like dis video. Dah byk kali aku ulang. Gelak sorg2 pon ader tgk video ni. Hahaha. Lady Gaga is freakishly AWESOME ! ! !

p/s: Nk beli 3GS baru. Patut ke r? Hmph . .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Abbasid Caliphate Part I

Coins that were used during the reign of Al-Saffah

The Abbasid Caliphate reign started from 132 until 656 A. H (After Hijrah) / 750 – 1258 A. D. The caliphate was the second big caliphate after the fall of Umayyad Caliphate. Well it can be calculated that the Abbasid Caliphate existed in the world history about more than 500 YEARS ! ! That’s quite amazing right. I never take an interest about the history of Abbasid before this but after I take ‘The Abbasid Caliphate’ subject I am craving to know more about this caliphate because the history of this caliphate is SOOO INTERESTING ! ! The Abbasid Caliphate started from the Abbasid movement who was founded by Muhammad b. Ali, the great grandson of Ali b. Abi Talib. This movement started at Khurasan which is now modern day of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This place was the centre of this movement as it gained supporters from the people of Khurasan, Persians, Shiahs, Khawarij and Yemenites. The movement was founded because many Muslims in these places were not satisfied with Umayyad Caliphate who ruled the Muslim caliphate at that time. The Umayyad caliphs (leaders) were weak and many corruptions happened in the administration itself. Hence, the Abbasid movement thought that it is time to take over the Umayyad caliphate and restore the Muslim empire into its glory back. The Abbasid movement adopted the concept of Ahl-Bayt (believe that the caliphate only belongs to the family of the Prophet Muhammad) so it was easy for them to gain supporters from the Khurasan people because many of them uphold the Ahl-Bayt concept. So a great Battle of Zab between the Abbasid movement and Umayyad Caliphate happened and the Abbasid won this battle. However, Muhammad b. Ali was killed during in this battle. (If I’m not mistake laa. Klu salah pliz correct me k). So it was decided that Abdullah b Abbas or Abu Abbas al-Saffah to become the first caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate.
Abu Abbas al- Saffah was called as Al-Saffah because it means “the Shedder of Blood”. Some people interpreted this because he killed so many Umayyad during the Battle of Zab but some claimed this title means generous man because he liked to help people and did charity. He proclaimed the Abbasid Caliphate at Kufa in 132 AH/750 CE. Since Kufans were traditional followers of the house of Ali (the capital of Caliph Ali) he chose Baghdad as the capital because Baghdad was a more suitable place. Evidently if u guys looked the location of Baghdad in Iraq, it is located on the mid-way between the east and west of the caliphate. So it was easy for the caliphs to control the caliphs because it was located in the middle of the Caliphate. Besides, Baghdad was already known for the home of the cradle civilization of Mesopotamia. Baghdad is the ancient village and market center on the bank of Tigris river. Locally it was known as “The Gift of the God”. At first, the caliph renamed Baghdad into Madinat al-Salaam but later many people still prefer to call the city Baghdad. The real construction of the city as the capital of the caliphate started in 146 AH/ 762 AD by the successor of al-Saffah, Abu Ja’far al Mansur.
The Map of Baghdad
Baghdad was first built in a round shape – 1700 metres and was dubbed as the “Round City” too. It had three concentric walls and four gates. The gates were North Gate (Bab al-Sham), South Gate (Bab al-Basra), East gate (Bab al-Khurasan) and West Gate (Bab al-Kufa). The mosque and palace of the Caliph were located at the centre of town. It is important to take note that during all Muslim caliphates that the mosque must be located at the centre of the capital of caliphate. It is clearly that the Muslims regarded the mosque as the heart of Muslims’ building because it is the house of Allah and a place for Muslims to worship Him. Let’s take a recap. The Nabawi Mosque located at the centre of Madinah, The Masjidil Haram built at the centre of Makkah (in fact at at the center of the world too!), The Umayyad Mosque located at the heart of Damascus (during the Umayyad reign), The Baghdad Mosque (there are too many of them so I do not know yg mana satu betul2 dianggap sbg main mosque) located at the center of Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate mosque and The famous Blue Mosque or Suleimeniya Mosque located at centre of Istanbul during the Ottoman period. See smua mosque kat tengah2 bandar caliphate. Soo barula aku taw nape UIA letak masjid dier kat tgh2 kat u dier. Actually I just realized about this thing when I studied about the mosque location in the Abbasid caliphate. Other than that, there were a large number of mosques, schools, libraries, hospitals and medical schools. Hundreds of roads and lanes were also built and the biggest road was the road lead to the Caliph palace (23 meters wide). The roads were paved with tar (petroleum) too. Main roads were illuminated with oil lamps at night. The streets were also cleaned with regular rubbish collection. There were 11 major canals which supplying water to every quarter in the city and every house in it. The inhabitants were divided into quarters and each quarter had 1 supervisor to look after the services of his area.
The facade of The Abbasid Palace
Moreover, an asylum and orphanage were built for the insane and orphans respectively. Every poor man who fell ill was maintained out of royal funds until he recovered. The was no social classes or castes system like the European people practiced in their countries because Islam kan practiced equality among its followers. Besides klu korg tgk sejarah Crusades the Christians were kinda shocked when they came to East pasal takder feudal system. But the most brilliant period of Baghdad was during the period of Caliph Harun al-Rashid. Baghdad attracted people who amuse or entertain at court and palace. Even Baghdad was claimed as the city of splendor, luxurious style of living. It also became the centre for culture and learning and was known as the “Golden Age” of Islamic civilization. Muslim scholars made important contributions in both the sciences and humanities; medicine, maths, astronomy, chem., literature and more. Proffessional men and scholars enjoyed Caliph al-Ma’mun’s period because he gave patronage to these scholars. He even built the famous education institution in the Islamic civilization, the Baytul Hikmah (House of Wisdom). Oh btw UIA juga amik nama ni n paste kat nama library dier pasal nk bg resemble kegemilangan dier time Abbasid dlu. Hehe. There were departments of library and translation. Also a hospital was built for the school of medicine and an observatory for the school of astronomy. There were accommodation proided for professors and students of Baytul Hikmah. Actually, banyak lagi splendor n kegemilangan n kemegahan Baghdad as the capital city of Abbasid Caliphate but I think ckup la kot smpi sni je aku citer pasal dah tak larat nk taip byk2 lak. Papepon Baghdad mmg rocks!

p/s: I noe dis sound crazy but klu diberi opportunity utk visit certain places in the world I want to go to Baghdad. Mmgla Baghdad skang dah mcm 'neraka' as most of people described (watch The Hurt Locker, menang Oscar tu!Wlupon org kata citer ni lembap borink n slow tapi aku suka gak r tgk citer ni. At least kiter ley nmpk cmner keadaan US soldiers yg merana kat Iraq) since the stupid American invasion but this city is rich with history since Mesopotamian civilization. There are sooo many things to ponder and look at this city. I hope someday Baghdad will become peace again and I will have the opportunity to visit this historical city.

p/ss: Kpd KWN SKOLA, terima kasih wat segala2nya. Aku tau ko mmg dr dlu ader masalah nk caya kat aku klu bab2 simpan rahsia ni patu nk ragu2 lak n pkir aku g jaja citer ko kat org len pasal aku slalu citer pasal kwn2 skola kiter len kat ko dlu dr org len. Kan aku dah ckp dr dlu yg aku tak penah citer pasal ko kat org len tapi ko masih meragui gak dgn aku wlupon dah lebey 5 thn kiter kawan. Tolongla percaya kat aku. Susah sgt ke nk bg trust kat aku dr ko tu selamba je kasi trust kat org len smpi muka sndri kena tenyeh dgn org yg ko anggp s0-called best fren tu. Mmgla mulut aku ni bedah tapi aku tau batas aku. Yew aku tau aku salah aku g comment yg bukan2 kat status ko tapi bukan org len baca pon n kwn bek ko je yg komen status ko tu n ko pon sempat je nk padam pon. Dahla aku mmg dah byk sabar dgn ko pon dr dlu. Slalu aku je yg tatang ko lbey2. Neway terima kaseh skali ag for everything that y hve done to me . .

Pepet r ko ! !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lam ALif Zi ! !

Haissshh exam tggl ag 2 mggu je. Soo many things to read n memorize as usual tapi spt biasala aku sgtlaaa lazzzzyyyyy nk stdy awal2 ni. Aku mmg tak bole stdy awal2 pasal nt aku cpt lupa tapi tula klu tak stdy awal2 kang last2 minute mesti duk bebel2 n ngeluh sorg2 ckp tak smpt nk stdy sdgkan sblm2 ni byk je masa nk stdy. Hehe. Speaking of lazy, skang ni tahap KeLAZYaan aku mmg dah smpi tahap yg kritikal ! Baru2 ni aku kna wat satu assignment sbjk yg aku amik ni (xnk mention kang kantoi.Haha). Since sbjk ni aku tak baper minat n mid term dier pon aku dpt teruk giler aku mmgla tersgt malas nk wat. Mula2 ader gak rasa nk wat btol2 soo aku g la library cr books yg relate dgn assignment aku ni skali tgk smua buku dier dah takder org dah pinjam wich aku assume yg classmates aku dah pnjm dlu pasal tajuk yg kitorg dpt ni ikot kos outline so ader yg akn wat tajuk yg sama 4 assignment masing2. Soo dgn hampanya aku balik r blik dgn pikir cmner la aku nk wat assignment ni dgn takder buku. Time aku blik aku tnya Akmal rum8 aku upa2nya dier dah wat presentation sama dgn tajuk assignment aku sblm ni. Soo dgn sng atinya aku just copy n paste je BULAT2 slide power point akmal kat assignment aku n plagiarize abis2an. Kat bhgian references lak aku just g lib bukak opac n salin nama2 buku yg related dgn assignment aku ni. Haha. Mmg jahat giler. Harap2 r tak kantoi dgn lecturer aku nt.

Well dat's just one part I am being super lazy..Skang ni dah 2nd year klu soknya ader quiz msti aku mls nk stdy. Klu stdy part sekerat jalan je dah tak bersungguh2 cm dlu. Klu kat skola dlu aku ingt ag aku la org yg agak rajin duk ngdap buku. Prep kol 8 je aku smpi2 je klas trun ngadap buku. den mula la aku kuar kertas kale2 aku tu den duk salin notes smpi dah berpuluh2 notes kecik aku ad 4 each sbjct. Patu aku msti annoyed tgk Mus hepi je dier g kaco pompuan2 wat keja ntah pape jalan sana sni x stdy. Skang ni aku pulak dah jd cm Mus. Haha. Sory ye Mus ngutuk ko jap. Aku dah tak wat notes kecik2 ni. Klu time kat matrik Nilai aku ader la wat gak tapi skang mmg hampeh r nk wat. Skang baca trus notes n men hi-lite2. Kadang2 tu klu duk ngadap notes aku bukak jap laptop layan satu episodes feveret series. xpon aku bukak novel yg aku tgh baca n baca novel tu instead notes stdy aku. Den klu aku ngantok je aku trus tdo. Klu dlu ader gak r thn ngantok skit den stdy smpi yg takat mampu tapi ni tak ngantok skit je trus tdo. Haha. macam2la aku ni.

Aku ingt aku nk try stdy cm dlu2 kat skola tapi aku rasa teknik tu dah tak berkesan. Org suka wat mind map tapi aku takle tgk mind map n aku rasa kepala aku lagi berserabut ader r. Nek pening aku tgk branch2 mind map tu sana sni. Aku lagi suka hafal notes yg aku salin panjang lebar tulisan kecik2 tu. Taktau nape. Slalunya org tgk notes cmni dah trus doze off dr tgk mind map yg colourful tu. Myb mind aku works differently dr org len.But after all, aku sgt bersyukur to Allah S.W.T wlupon aku malas nk mampos smpi tahap cipan nye ni klu ader quiz n test most of da time aku dpt jwb n dpt mrkh 'agak' tggi r. Hehe. Tapi yg pastinya next year aku dah minor Business mmg aku lingkup cuz dah start laja sbjk2 Bisnes yg aku rasa msti payah giler. Takpe I will take dat as a challenge.

Saje takder keja nk letak gmba Aishwarya Rai in muvie Jodha Akbar. HELL CANTEK GILER MINAH NI. RAMBUT DIER PON CANTEK GILER BUBBYY ! ! ! Haha

P/s: Sgt legaaaaaaa smua assignment n quizzes dah abes ! !

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Poster 3 Idiots

Mlm tadi aku tdo lmbt dlm kol 3.30 am cm2 pasal aku tgk citer hindustan. Tak penah2 la pulak sblm ni aku kemaruk citer hindustan. Dahla klas aku kol 8.30 am paginya 2 so takut la miss class pagi tu tapi Alhamdulillah aku tak miss n smpt bgn. Hehe. Actually mlm tadi aku layan citer 3 Idiots. Sumpah citer dier MMG BEST GILER n LAEN DR YG LAEN ! ! Aku mmg bg citer ni 10 bintang n 10 thumbs-up r. Even wikipedia ckp "3 Idiots has become the "highest grossing Bollywood movie of all time." So klu dah ckp cmni mmg GEMPAK r citer dier kan.Dah lama aku tak tgk citer hindustan se-best cmni. Citer Hollywood pon dah lama aku tak dpt vibe best tgk citer cm aku tgk citer 3 Idiots ni. Klu citer hindustan ni last yg aku rasa aku mmg rasa goosebumps time aku tgk time citer Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gam time skola dlu. Memang bergenang tak tahan air mata aku tgk citer ni. Hehe.

3 idiots ni citer pasal 3 sahabt baek yg blaja sama2 kat ICE (Imperial College of Engineering). College ni merupakan engineering college yg 1st kat India n nk masuk sni n graduate kat college ni mmg payah giler. Patu antara 3 best friends ni ader sorg mamat ni (Amir Khan) genius giler r. Dier mmg suka wat bnda pelik2 n bukan nerd-type student yg suka baca buku n hafal2 24 jam. Dier ni lbey kpd mempraktikkan ap yg dier laja n tnjk kat smua org yg tak smestinya klu nk berjaya kena ngadap buku n hafal je. Actually, citer ni mmg lbey kpd crticize education system kat India (n many parts of other countries) yg amalkan sistem xam je n grading hence mybbkan students tak dpt berfikir out of the box n just blaja ap yg dorg kena suap je. Citer ni smua ader klaka, drama, sedey and action tapi action ni kurg skit r. Aku mmg salute giler to pembuat skrip n director dier pasal wat cite yg sgt GENIUS n best giler ditonton wlupon citer ni lama 3jam lbey cm citer2 hindustan len. Patu dier punya part2 nyanyi pon tak byk n klu ader pon lagu2 dier smua best n dancing dorg mmg klaka. Aku tgk citer ni mmg tak abes2 gelak. Klu ader part2 sedey tu aku pon bergenang gak r air mata. Kareen Kapoor pon berlakon gak of kos dier jd awek Amir Khan tapi love story dorg pon tak meleret2 n meleweh2 cm citer hindustan len. Simple je love sory dorg. Aku tgk citer ni pon pas Redza soh aku tgk cuz dier ckp senior debat dier dah berulang2 kali tgk citer ni. Abg aku pon kata citer ni best. Tapi yg aku tgk ni gmba tak lawa sgt cm HD DVDrip yg aku slalu dload tapi aku tibe2 rasa nk tgk gak pasal ramai yg kata best. Soo korg smua patut tgk citer ni n mmg berbaloi r korg ngdap laptop or tb tgk citer ni. Hehe.

Poster Jodhaa Akbar

Last week pon aku layan citer hindustan ag. Dis time aku layan kat HD tb umah aku pasal citer yg aku tgk ni gmba dier cantek giler. Citer yg aku tgk last week ni Jodha Akbar. Aku n ayah aku layan citer ni dr kol 1 am lbey smpi 4 am lbey smpi Abg aku nk tgk match Arsenal pon dier kena kuar umah g tgk kat umah kawan dier. Haha. Citer ni mmg dah lama giler aku nk tgk dr dlu pasal citer ni ader unsur2 history. Jodha Akbar ni citer pasal Raja Mughal yg ketiga yg rule India time dlu2 n dier ni merupakan raja yg paling great in Mughal history r. Fyi, Mughal = Mongol n yes Mughal adalah kerajaan Islam. Time ni King Jalaludin Akbar ni nk conquer kingdom2 laen kat dlm India ni dier terpaksa kawen dgn sorg Princess Jodha 4m Rajput yg beragama hindu so dat Raja Rajput ni bole jadi salah satu territory Mughal dynasty. Ala cm kiter laja sejarah Melaka la dlu cm klu Sultan Melaka tu nk rpatkan hubungan diplomatik dgn kerjaan laen dier akn kawen dgn kerabat diraja kerajaan laen tu. For example Sultan Melaka kawen dgn Hang Li Po. Raja Jalaludin ni dilakonkan oleh Hrithik Roshan while Princess Jodha ni Asihwarya Rai yg berlakon. Citer ni takder la se-MELETOP cm 3 Idiots tapi still best gak bg aku pasal dier tnjk zaman kegemilangan Mughal kat India during the reign of King Jalal ni. Dlm citer ni korg ley tgk betapa canteknya istana2 yg ader kat India ni n betapa kayanya kerabat diraja Mughal n Indian kingdoms ni. Citer ni dier pon nk tnjk la yg time King Jalal ni dier amalkan religious tolerance kat empire dier wich hindus n Muslims bebas amalkan agam dorg masing2. Tapi yg aku tak paham tu smpi abes citer pon si Jodha tu tak masuk2 gak Islam wlupon dah kawen dgn King Jalal yg Islam ni. Si Jalal ni bole pulak ckp yg bini dier akn terus amalkan hinduism. Hmph pelik. Tapi kiter manala taw pasal sejarah ni kan. Myb kat dlm buku dier ckp je yg princess tu kawen dgn raja tu so kiter assume princess tu dah masuk Islam but who knows myb dier tak msuk Islam sbnrnya. Myb director ni portraykan keadaan ni. Overall, citer ni seswai ditonton bg sape2 yg minat Sejarah Mughal n Aishwarya Rai pasal Aishwarya Rai dlm citer ni cantek giler n rambut dier SUPERB OKAY ! ! Haha. Panjang giler n cantek nk mampos rambut dier..

So pani aku harap aku dpt tgk citer My Name is Khan pulak. Org kata citer ni mmg best. Besides slalunya klu citer Shah Rukh Khan berlkon ni mmg best smuanya. Nk tgk kat cinema cm limited je screening dier n aku tak tau ader lagi ke tak dier tayang kat cinemas. Klu tak dpt tgk kat cinema pon takpe lama2 nt kuar gak kat tenet so ley dload. Hehe...

p/s: Akhirnya dapat gak add subject Econs wlupon time Pre-Reg tu aku dah naek giler duk ulang alik g G.O Econs settlekan prob aku takle add subject ni. But seyesly Pre-Reg mmg CRAZY tapi aku cm suka lak da anxiety n anticipation time nk add2 subjek ni. Hehe


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