Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Old City of Jerusalem

The Palestinians continue to struggle for their rights to live peacefully in Jerusalem. This time, the ILLEGAL JEWISH SETTLERS in Silwan, Jerusalem marched a protest against the Arabs who lived here because they want the Arabs to move out from this place. Protes yg dilakukan oleh penduduk haram yg dilakukan kat Silwan ni sbnrnya dirancang oleh salah satu ketua penduduk di sini dan pihak kerajaan Israel sndri menyesal akan tindakan protesters ni pasal nk cuba provoke keadaan. Bodola Jews ni dah tau ko duk secara haram bolela ko berangan nk wat protest suh penduduk asal sini berambus dr sini. Silwan adalah tempat kat East Jerusalem wich dkt gak r dgn Old City of Jerusalem. Klu saper2 yg taktau Old City of Jerusalem tu ap, Old City ni adalah tempat paling suci bagi 3 agama utama kat dunia wich aku rasa korg dah taw: ISLAM, Christianity and Judaism. Kat dlm Old City nilah menempatkan Masjid Al-Aqsa, Dome of Rock (holy sites for Muslims), Church of Holy Sepulchre (holy site for Christians) dan Western/Wailing Wall (holy site for Jews).

The map of Old City


Al-Aqsa Mosque

1. Masjid Al-Aqsa adalah penting bagi umat Islam kerana masjid ini adalah salah satu 3 masjid utama bg mereka. Selain itu ia adalah kiblat pertama bagi Muslims sblm Allah memerintahkan umatnya untuk berpaling ke Kaabah di Makkah sebagai kiblat mereka.

Dome of the Rock

2. Dome of Rock adalah salah satu masjid n important landmark for the Muslims. Kat dlm ni ader batu yg sgt besar aka Foundation Stone. Foundation Stone ni dipercayai batu yg nk ikut time Prophet Muhammad nk ascended to meet Allah during Mi'raj. Besides that, this stone is also the holiest site for the Jews. Batu ni kire dianggap 'kiblat' dorg r n dorg percaya yg kat atas batu nila Nabi Ibrahim bersiap sedia nk sacrifice anak dier, Isaac. Dis is contradict to Muslims as we believe that it is Prophet Ismail yg Allah suruh Nabi Ibrahim korbankan.

Ni courtyard Church of Holy Sepulchre. Perasan x ader menara kat sblh kanan tu? Tu adalah menara Masjid Umar. Masjid Umar ni dibina sempena Khalifah Umar al- Khattab. Khalifah Umar penah datang sndri ke Palestin setelah Palestin telah jatuh ke tangan Islam from Byzantine. Lepas Umar dah dpt kunci Baitul Maqdis from a priest Church ni, dier mendirikan solat kat luar church ni tatkala azan berkumandang time tu. Hence, a mosque was built kat sni by Ayubid Sultan al-Afdal bin Saladin bagi memperingati kejadian ini.

3. Church of Holy Sepulchre is a place whereby the Christians believed that Jesus was crucified and contains the place where Jesus was buried. Kat sini jugak rmi Christians all over the world dtg kat sni nk wat pilgrimage macam Muslims wat haji kat Makkah r.

Western Wall during night

4. Western Wall merupakan da only Second Temple's wall yg masih lagi survive smpi skang. Second Temple ni dibina oleh King Herod tapi temple ni dimusnahkan oleh the Romans in 70 CE. The Jews believed that temple ni holy site dorg. Besides that, the Jews believe that dorg kena bina temple ni blk as they need to prepare to sambut the last Messiah yg akn diturunkan ole Tuhan mereka time hari kiamat. Dat's y dorg nk sgt Old City ni so badly.

So dat's a bit info about Old City. Old City ni kena capture by the Jews in the tragic and unfortunate Six-Days war in 1967. Hence, the Jews think that they have the right to live in here because they won the Six-Days war.

Recently the Israel government bercadang utk build another 50 000 Jewish homes in East Jerusalem. However the US administration under Obama tried to have a 'talk' with the Israel. Obama skang tgh plan cmner nk selesaikan krisis ni and at the same time fulfill kehendak Israel. However tindakan Obama yg soh Israel stop dr truskan plan nk bina settlements kat East Jerusalem ni telah menyebabkan ketegangan di antara hubungan US and Israel. Israel masih lagi bertekad nk teruskan pembinaan settlement di East Jerusalem. Setakat ini George Mitchell iaitu utusan dari US masih lagi tidak dapat convince the Israel government supaya memberhentikan rancangan mereka untuk membina settlements di sini.

Selain drpd rancangan Israel untuk membuka penempatan Jewish di East Jerusalem ni, Israeli troops juga telah membunuh seorg pejuang hamas baru2 ini. Ali Sweiti, a member of Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, was killed on Monday in the town of Beit Awwa, Palestinian and Israeli sources said. Palestinians sgt marah dan mengecam Israel kerana membuat pembunuhan secara haram terhadap pejuang Hamas tersebut. Askar Israel telah dikatakn mengebom rumah pejuang Hamas tersebut.

Semoga Allah sentiasa membantu Palestinians dan memberi kekuatan kepada mereka untuk melawan Yahudi laknatullah ni.

p/s: Lately ni makin addicted pulak dgn Middle East punya history. Hmph.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Review Part 4

So I guess dis is going to be my last movie reviews because a few hours after dis I am going back to the lovely land of YuYaYiea for short semester. As usual short semester ni aku amik arab je. But dis time Arab aku dah level 4 so kelas takder la brutal 16 jam smggu cm previous short semester but just 8 jam. Meaning I am only going to have klas time pagi je. Dah kata short sem kan mstila nk enjoy. Haha.

13th: Leap Year (2010)

Citer ni aku rasa cm intrigue nk tgk after aku tgk trailer dier kat cinema. Tup tap tup tap citer ni dah der dvdrip punya kat tenet. Pas aku tgk citer ni bolela biasa2 je. Citer ni mengisahkan pasal si Amy Adams ni dier perfectionist dlm smua keja dier. But dier sentiasa mngharapkan bf dier akan propose kat dier tapi bf dier tak penah2 nk propose dier. Time bf dier g conference cardiologist kat Dublin, Ireland dier terpikir nk propose bf dier. Dier wat cmni pon pasal ader legend Irish bgtau yg tiap kali dtgnya thn lompat, a gal akan propose si bf dier pada 29 feb. So dier pon pegila Ireland skali dier jumpa laki Irish ni. Cm biasala citer romantik US si Amy Adams ni pon fall in love dgn laki ni. But seyesly aku mmg annoying dgn perangai laki Irish ni aka hero dier dlm citer ni. Sgt menjengkelkan!

14th: Sunshine Cleaning (2008)

Time aku jumpa film ni aku tgk poster dier cm best. Patu aku pon bukakla application Flixter kat iPhone cuz nk tgk review Rotten Tomatoes kasi kat citer ni n it turns out not bad gak r review dorg. Once again it's Amy Adams berlakon n dis time ader Emily Blunt skali. Citer ni about pasal si Amy Adams who a single mother yg bertungkus lumus dlm idup dier utk membesarkan anak dier. But her responsibility does not stop there as she also needs to take care of her sister (Emily Blunt) yg takder hala tuju dlm idup dier n unemployed. Mula si Amy Adams ni keja maid je n pegi rumah ke rumah. But lama2 dier n sister dier started to bukak business biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service. At the same time citer ni tnjk r cmner si Amy Adams n sister dier ni cope dgn kematian mak dorg time dorg kecik. Aku cm sebak gak r time tiap kali dorg teringt mak dorg yg mati sbb suicide. Citer ni a little bit boring but dier ader msg yg mendalam dier nk cuba kasi kat penonton.

15th: The Back-up Plan (2010)

Aku br je pas abes tgk citer ni sblm aku tulis post ni. Actually aku tak sgka lak citer ni pon cpt je kuar kat tenet in dvdrip cm Leap Year. So dis movie tells a story about a gal name Zoey (Jlo) yg in the beginning of her story tried to get pregnant using sperm donor. After dier dh dpt mengandung dier accidentally jumpa sorg mamat ni n start fall in love with him. Things get complicated time after si Zoey ni bgtau Stan (Alex O Loughlin) yg dier pregnant. So mulala ups n downs dorg sbg kapel n tnjk cmner dorg workout being together but stil keep the babies. Citer ni agak straight to the point n takderla best mana pon. Typical US romantic comedy r.

16th: My Name Is Khan (2010)

AKHIRNYA kuar gak dvdrip My Name is Khan. Gamba lawa giler bubby lak 2. Aku mmg nk tgk citer ni dr dlu since dier kuar wyg but tak berkesempatan. Citer ni mmg bagus ditonton oleh smua org pasal dier tnjk how Muslims are being affected with terrorism in the post 9/11 era. Tak sgka lak aku yg Karan Johar dpt wat filem yg begitu detail n cover smua dilema n keadaan Muslims terutamanya Muslims kat US after 9/11 dlm filem ni. Patu smua setting dier byk kat US lak 2. Mesti filem bajet tggi ni. Shah Rukh Khan mmg legend r n sgt pandai berlakon. Dlm citer ni he is Rizwan Khan, an autisitc man yg cuba nk jumpa President of US n nk bgtau dier yg dier bukan terrorist after anak tiri dier mati kena belasah due to racial tension kat skola anak dier. Dier nk g jumpa Presiden nipon pasal bini dier Mandhira (Kajol) accidentally suh dier g jumpa Presiden n blame si Rizwan anak dier mati cuz agama dier Islam. Other than that dier tnjk gak la cmner si Rizwan ni membesar dlm keadaan yg miskin n autistic. But citer ni aku tak se-excited or se-giler cm aku tgk 3 Idiots pasal kat part tgh2 dier exaggerate pulak. Dier tnjk yg si Rizwan ni g Georgia n tolong mangsa hurricane kat Georgia sorg diri n takder officials pon tolong mgsa2 ribut ni. Nk wat cmner kat citer hindustan mmg ader je part exaggerate ni. Yg lagi satu aku tak puas ati pasal agama Islam n Hindu. Citer ni cm Jodha Akbar gak pasal si Rizwan ni Islam n Mandhira ni Hindu but masing2 practice agama dorg after dorg dah kawen. Myb dorg tak tnjk si Mandhira ni masuk Islam pasal dier xnk bgkitkan racial tension kat India kot aku rasa. But overall citer ni mmg superb r. Mmg smua Western people kat luar sana patut tgk citer ni so dat's dorg tak misinterpret Islam n Muslims lagi dah as terrorists.

16th: Julie and Julia (2009)

However among 5 movies yg aku tgk n review dlm post citer ni la yg paling BEST skali. Aku mmg tak benti2 gelak tgk Meryl Streep berlakon dlm citer ni. Sgt klaka tgk perwatakan n dgr sore hi-pitch dier. Seyesly dis woman mmg pandai berlakon n no wonder dier adalah pelakon yg paling byk skali tercalon dlm Oscar. Yela tiap2 tahun korg tgk Oscar msti ader je dier tercalon in Best Actress. Actually citer ni based on true story of Julia Child and Julie Powell. Amy Adams plays as Julie Powell while Meryl Streep as Julia Child in dis movie. Julie ni just a normal government servant n lives in normal boring life. But everything started to change when she decided to cook smua recipe yg ader dlm cookbook Julia Child n blog about it. Recipes dlm cookbook ni ader nk dkt 500 lbey kot n dier nk accomplish smua ni dlm masa setahun. At the same time dier tnjk gak la life Julia Child time dulu2 n cmner dier stat from nobody to famous American chef. Mmg citer ni sgt hilarious n meaningful r. Ha klu pompuan suka masak n PANDAI masak korg mmg seswai r tgk citer ni. Seyes food kat dlm citer ni mmg sedap giler dowh. Haha.

p/s: Oh I really wish Lee Dewayze is going to make until Top 2 American Idol. Aku start suka Lee after dier nyanyi lagu Hey Jude during John Lennon/Paul McCartney week. Hehe. Aku nk tarik balik r kata2 aku yg dis year pompuan going to win American Idol Season 9 because Lee mmg ROCKS !! N I don't like Crystal Bowersox wlupn sore dier sedap. Taktau naper. Haha.

Currently dis Emma Watson picture is my iPhone wallpaper. GOSH da stare really makes me want to @#(@$*#! her ! Haha

Friday, April 23, 2010

Same But Different.

A few Hollywood celebrities who share same look but not same DNA of course. Hehe

Elizabeth Hurley, 44 (left) and Kathryn Bigelow, 58. Kathryn Bigelow is the Academy Award Winning Director for 'The Hurt Locker' while Elizabeth is a famous English model.

Javier Bardem, 41 (right) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, 43. Javier is currently dating Penelope Cruz while Jeffrey is best known as Denny in Grey's Anatomy and John Winchester in Supernatural.

Leornardo Dicaprio, 35 (left) and Eric Dane, 37. Leornardo is famously known in Titanic while Eric is best known as Mark Sloan aka McSteamy in Grey's Anatomy.

Lea Michele, 23 (left) and Idina Menzel, 38. Everyone recongnized Lea as Rachel, the powerful singer in Glee while Idina is her co-star who played the new coach for Vocal Adrenaline.

p/s: Pictures are courtesy of US Weekly. Ohhh I really wish to work along Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic at E!. Haha.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Abbasid Caliphate Part 2

This post will be focused on the decline of Abbasid Caliphate. I will discuss about several factors that led to the fall of Abbasid Caliphate.

1: Decentralization.

For your information, the Abbasid started to become weak by mid 3rd cent A.H/ 9th cent C.E. This is because they had a weak central government. Hence, many independent kingdoms started to rise like Saffarids, Samanids, Ghaznavids and etc. These kingdoms led by powerful governors and military leaders. Here are some information about three independent kingdoms that appeared during Abbasid time.

i. Aghlabids (800 - 909 C.E)

Map of Aghlabids

This kingdom was founded by Ibn al-Aghlab. The capital of this kingdom was at Qayrawan, al-Maghrib (current state in Morocco). Al-Maghrib consists of current modern states of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. We can said during Aghlabids period they control over most part of North Africa and contributed to the spread of Islam in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea. The rise of Aghlabids led to Abbasid gradually lost its control over North Africa.

ii. Seljuqs (1037 - 1157 C.E)

The Seljuq Empire

The founder of this kingdom was the Turkish chieftain, Saljuq. He came from the Sultanate of Seljuqs which also known as the Great Seljuqs of Persia. They came from Turkestan. The famous leader of Seljuqs was Alp Arsalan because he had a successful campaigns against the Byzantines in Syria. He managed to win a decisive battle at Manzikart (446 AH/1071 CE). He DESTROYED the Byzantine empire and took the emperor himself as a prisoner of war. The Byzatines asked help from West Europe. Hence this event marked the beginning of Crusade wars.

iii. Ayyubids. (1171 -1260 C.E)

The Ayyubid dynasty

It was founded by the famous Muslim icon, Salah al- Din ibn Ayyub who was also known as Saladin to the Western. He eventually ended the Fatimid and Nurid dynasty which located at Egypt and Syria. The kingdom stretched to Tigris river at Iraq, Yemen, Hijaz (Makkah+Madinah), Al-Maghrib, Nubia and Western Arabia. He also given the title of 'Sultan'. One of the greatest contribution of Saladin was the victories against the Crusaders. He captured Beirut, Tiberias, Asqalan and Baitul Maqdis. However, as their power weakened especially after the death of Saladin, the Crusaders recaptured the Syrian cities. Some defeated by Hulagu Khan while some were subdued by Mamluks of Egypt.

2: Economic Problems

The decentralization factor led to the less contribution of revenues in central treasury. This is because many distant provinces and areas within Iraq (e.g Sawad - the main agricultural centre) were seized from Abbasid control. Fertile areas were under the rule of independent rulers like Fars, Ahwaz, Sawad, Egypt and Syria. The liss of revenue for the Abbasid government has caused bankruptcy. In some independent dynasties, there were exploitation and over-taxation onto the people to benefit the ruling class. This policy discouraged farming and industry. This policy also led to the increase gap between rich and poor. Other than that, there were continuous fighting and wars that caused depletion of man-power and many farms were abandoned. Famines were also appeared in various parts of the caliphate and this led to the spread of epidemics like plague, smallpox, malaria and other fevers.

3: Disunity among Muslims.

In the later part of Abbasid caliphate, there were divisive feeling among different groups of people. This tension happened between the Arabs, Persians, Turks, Berbers and Syrians. There were also religious divisions among the people of Abbasid. For example, the Sunnis, Shiite, Ismaillites and Qarmatians.

4: Social and Moral Problems

As usual, many great empires in the world history crumbled because of the moral decay in their social institution. The Abbasid leaders adopted the harem institutions. There were large number of harems. This led to NUMBERLESS of half brothers and half sisters in the imperial household. This caused jealousies and intrigues among them. Besides that, they practiced a luxurious lifestyle at court like wine , songs and entertainment.

A Turkish bath provided for a harem.

4: Weak Caliphs.

Many weak caliphs could not rule efficiently during the later part of Abbasid caliphate. Their appointment and disposal were determined by powerful military leaders of governors. For example the Buwayhids acted at their will in the appointment of Abbasid caliph in the central government. The caliphs did not have power even over capital Baghdad. They also ruled for short period before being replaced by new caliphs. Al- Qa'im, Al-Muqtadi, Al-mustazhir, Al-Mustarshid are few examples of weak caliphs.

5: Conspiracy of Muwayd al-Din Ilqami

He was the Shia wazir or personal advisor of Caliph al- Musta'sim, the last caliph of Abbasid caiphate. The wazir planned to establish an Alawi caliphate. He wrote a letter to Hulagu Khan invinting him to Baghdad and end the Abbasid Caliphate. Yet he was imprisoned by the Hulagu.

6: Mongol Attacks.

The Mongols were originate from Central Asia. In 1218 - 20 C.E, Changiz Khan or Genghis Khan attacked and destroyed the Kingdom of Khwarizm. After that, his successor Hulagu Khan started to spread the Mongol empire in the Middle East. Hulagu was the grandson of Genghis Khan. He began the 2nd wave of Mongol invasion in 1253 - 58 CE. First he attacked the Ismaillites at Alamut. in 1253, he entered Khurasan and after that he advanced to Baghdad. He sent an utilmatum to Abbasid caliph, al- Musta'sim to surrender or destruction of the city of Baghdad will happened if he did not obey. As there was no concrete reply, he began to attack the city. 1258 marked the siege og Baghdad by the Mongols. Despite attempts by the Abbasids to make terms, Hulagu refused to accept the offer. In the end, February 1258 was the doomsday for the Abbasid caliphate because it was the date of fall of Baghdad. Consequently, the caliph and his entourage and family members were all killed. Baghdad was sacked by the Mongols army for 40 days. According to Ibn Khaldun, 1.6 million people were killed. This event was the most tragic event in the history of Muslim world. Some also said that the Tigris river was in black or red colour because it was covered with inks from the books. This is because the Mongols took all the books in the Baghdad's libraries in order to make a bridge to cross over the river.

Hulagu (left) imprisoned Al-Mus'tasim with his treasure to starve in death. Medieval depiction from "Le livre des merveilles", 15th century.

Hulagu and his Kerait Queen, Doquz Khatun

The siege of Baghdad

p/s: Alhamdulillah sbjk ni aku dpt A. Tak sia2 aku post pasal Abbasid ni kat blog aku. Haha. Br pasan rmi strangers from overseas yg dtg blog aku smua bukak post pasal Abbasid. Hehe

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Review Part 3

Seriously aku dah jadi kelawar cuti ni. Org slalu bgn pagi tapi aku lak bgn petang as aku akn bgn kol 2pm or stakat ni aku wat rekod bgn plg lewat kol 4pm. Semestinyala malam aku tak tido kan. Hehe. Dah kata nama cuti soo mmg aku cuti btol2 r dis time. Besides aku dah nk masuk blk pon 26 april ni for short sem. Tapi short sem pon aku amik satu sbjk je so aku stil rasa cm cuti gak.

Cm biasa dis is da another movie review.

10th: Date Night (2010)

Citer ni aku tgk wyg dgn Mus kat Mid Valley. Aku mmg nk tgk citer ni sjk aku tgk trailer dier dlu ag. Seyes shit citer ni mmg klaka giler. Aku mmg tak benti2 gelak spjg tgk citer ni. Tina Fey and Steve Carrel mmg pandai buat lawak. Citer ni pasal Tina and Steve Carrel ni husband n wife. Dorg live in normal life n pada satu mlm ni si Steve ni bwk bini dier g makan malam kat Manhattan. Time dorg smpi kat restoran tu restoran tu penoh smpi dorg pegi steal reservation org len semata2 nk makan restaurant tu. Upa2nya pas dorg dah curi reservation kat restoran tu ader gengstar ni ingtkan dorg ni org jahat sedangkan gangstar ni salah org upanya n bermulala chaos yg melanda dorg pas2. Time aku nk beli tiket wyg ni terkejut gak aku tgk citer ni 18 upa2nya. Tapi takderla lucah manapon just byk dirty words je r dorg ckp. Best r citer ni.

11th: Dear John (2010)

At last citer ni kuar gak kat tenet with DVDrip. Aku mmg ternanti2 dr dlu ag nk tgk citer ni pasal citer ni adaptation from novel Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. Slalunya Nicholas Sparks punya adaptation movie mmg best2. Aku tau citer ni mmg lmbt giler akn kuar kat Malaysia or myb tak kuar kat Malaysia soo thank god citer ni kuar cpt kat tenet. Hero dlm muvie ni Channing Tatum while partner dier Amanda Seyfriend. Citer ni mengisahkan ader sorg askar ni nama dier John n dier ni fall in love dgn sorg pompuan ni nama dier Savannah time dier tgh duty leave selama 2 weeks. Pas John abes cuti dier stil keep in touch dgn gf ni by writing letters to her. Dorg ni mmg slalu exchange letters n part dorg tules surat2 ni bg aku ROMANTIK giler. But after dat si Savannah ni tak sggp lagi nk berjauhan dgn si John pasal dier punya service asyik kena smbg so dier decide mintak clash. Savannah ni mintak clash pon guna letter. Fyi, dear john ni ader mksd lain sbnrnya. Klu korg google dear john letter ni sbnrnya letter nk mintak clash. Br aku pasan upanya. Citer ni aku tak puas ati ending dier jer la. Yg len not bad la.

12th: National Geographic Guantanamo's Secrets

Oh dis documentary ni another must watch documentary. Aku br sedar yg aku ni agak minat dgn events after 9/11 cm Iraq, Afghanistan, Terrorism and etc. Documentary ni citer pasal prison Guantanamo or nickname dier Gitmo kat Cuba. Kpd saper2 yg bengong n ignorant thdp isu semasa Gitmo ni prison yg sgt popular pasal smua terrorist yg kena tgkp dgn US akn dicampak and ditahan kat sini. Prison ni sblm 9/11 biasa2 je tapi after 9/11 prison ni jd tersangatla horror n byk media dah kantoikan yg prisoners kat sini kena torture smua. Slaen dr dier tnjk pasal keadaan dlm prison ni dier ader iterview bbrapa org yg oppose n sokong dgn pnubuhan Gitmo ni. Dier ader interview several people yg penah kena tahan dlm Gitmo ni. Ader sorg mamat ni tak silap aku dier keja dgn Gitmo ni kot dier ckp yg stakat ni ader 500 org lbey kat dlm Gitmo ni. He thinks dat approximately 200 people yg ader kat dlm ni innocent people n tak sepatutnya kena thn kat sini. Other than that, sorg laki yg penah tahan ni pon ckp yg Gitmo ni sbnrnya tmpt rekrut terrorists pasal smua kbykan2 yg kena tahan kat sini tak tahan dgn keadaan kat Gitmo kat sni so klu dier kuar nt kebarangkalian dier utk jd terrorist adalah lebey tggi. Gitmo ni cm penjara ISA kat Malaysia la cuma lagi hardcore. Seyes everyone shud watch dis documentary.

12th: Christmas at the White House: An Oprah Prime time Special.

Msti korg pelik kan naper aku tgk episode Oprah yg ni. Episod Oprah yg ni tnjk cmner Obama n fmly dier smbt first Christmas selepas Obama dilantik jadi Presiden of USA. Aku berminat nk tgk talk show ni pasal dier interview Obama n tnjk keadaan White House time Christmas. Seyes White House mmg lawa time Christmas. Pas dah tgk citer ni aku rasa aku nk sgt masuk White House. Other than that Oprah ader gak tnya Obama cmner dier rate diri dier stakat ni n dier bg B+. Dorg ader gak discuss pasal Afghanistan and Iraq smua soo myb dis y wat aku minat nk tgk talk show ni. Hehe

p/s: Game Assasin's Creed 2 dah abes men. Game ni mmg best n tambahan lagi aku men kat PS3 soo gmba tu mmg puas ati r kan. Seb bek la umah aku ader HD TV dptla men PS3. Hehe. Brla aku taw naper org sggp beli Ps3 dr Xbox wlupon game PS3 smua ori n mahal pasal dorg ni pentingkan grafik game n it turns out aku tergolong dlm golongan org2 ni. Another thing yg aku suka AC 2 ni pasal dier kaitkan dgn sejarah during Renaissance. Smua setting dier kat Italy n dier g jelajah kat tmpt2 italy cm Florence, Venice and Rome. Mmg lawa r gambaran Italy during this period dlm game ni. Yg klakanya Leornardo da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli pon ader dlm game ni. Haha.

Ezio as the ASSASIN

Monday, April 12, 2010

Review Part 2

Soo da holiday continues with me watching as many movies as I could. Haha. Terpaksa la buat begini utk jimatkan duet. Dah plan nk kurangkan GILER2 kuar g malls n so on pasal nk jimatkan duet. Huhu. So here are the another 4 movies dat I have watched.

6th: Afghan Star (2009)

Afghan Star ni documentary pasal reality show Afghan Star kat Aghanistan skang. Kire ni macam American Idol or Akademi Fantasia kat ngara dorg r. It's really interesting tho to watch dis documentary pasal korg ley tgk how the Afghans cuba utk berhibur wlupon ngara dorg diapit dgn pelbagai masalah like wars, corruption and esp Taliban. Dlm documentary ni korg ley tgk how da Afghans tried to idup blk n have da normal life like what we have wlupon ngara dorg sgt tak membangun. Da Afghans sgt suka Afghan Star ni cuz nilah satu2nya rancangan realiti hiburan yg dorg ader after da Taliban occupation ended in 2001 (aku rasa). Besides dorg rasa dorg akhirnya dpt practice da real democracy thru sms voting compare to election kat ngara dorg yg sgt corrupted. Yg interesting laginya kat dlm finalis Afghan Star ni ader 2 org women gak. Ader sorg woman ni nama dier Setara n time dier dpt taw dier kena kuar dier g menari time final song dier. Dier menari pon takder la over sgt cm Inuln or Stacy ke just goyang2 badan skit je tapi smua org sgt terkejut pasal it is a forbidden for women to menari kat television. After dat dier dpt death threats from many people smpi time dier nk balik kampung dier kat Herat dier terpaksa sorok2. Dlm documentary ni korg bole tgk gak betapa mundurnya Kabul. Dorg punya konsert migguan pon just wat kat Dewan Perkahwinan or cm Dewan Serbaguna MPS kiter r. I hope someday Afghanistan will has its peace like Malaysia has now.

7th: Lindsay Lohan's Indian Journey (2010)

Yup people it's really Lindsay Lohan. I noe dier adalah artis yg tersangatla bermasalah skang n tak reti nk kembali ke pangkal jalan like Britney Spears (nk bg contoh artis kesayangan gak) but dis is totally a documentary pasal Lindsay g India for child trafficking punya investigation. Actually korg ley tgk r kat dlm documentary ni yg sbnrya Lindsay ni baek upanya takderla jalang je idop dier. Documentary ni pon sgt menyedihkan pasal dier tnjk gejala child trafficking yg berlaku kat India dimana kanak2 dipaksa jd labours, prostitutes and beggers. Kbyakan children ni smua berasal from kampung2 pendalaman n dorg dibawak oleh agent2 haram ni utk wat kerja kat Delhi. Sian giler tgk kanak2 ni pasal dorg terpaksa keja from 9AM till 2AM ! ! Patu ader sorg bdk ni cakap dorg kena keja klu tak dorg kena pukul or ugut. Actually bdk2 ni datang Delhi pasal dorg dijanjikan oleh agent2 dorg yg dorg akan dpt gaji yg lumayan klu wat keja2 ni. Agent2 ni akn dtg kat kampung2 pendalaman n bgtau dis thing kat parent dorg. So parent dorg ni dgn keadaan yg sgt miskin n takder duet terpaksa la lepaskan anak dorg ni soo at least anak dorg ni dptla duet n dpt support fmly dorg. But da truth is dorg tak penah kena bayar n sntiasa di abuse kena wat keja2 buruh2 ni. Keadaan ini sgt memalukan to India wlupon ngra dorg tgh sgt membangun n dah nk cm maju cm China but dis thing stil happen. Lindsay ader gak question kat Child Activists ngara tu takder ke penguatkuasaan? Sbnrnya takder undang2 yg btl2 nk hukum child traffickers ni soo dats yg agent2 haram ni masih lagi berlegaran n kegiatan ni masih berleluasa. Ingtkan dlu je ader child labour ni tapi upa2nya skang pon masih wujud lagi. Huhu.

8th: The Bounty Hunter (2010)

Citer ni tak kuar lagi kat Malaysia n tak silap aku kuar bulan 5 kot tapi dah ader gmba yg lawa kat tenet soo aku dload r. Hehe. Aku ingtkan citer dier bestla sgt pasal si Jennifer Anniston and Gerard Butler berlakon upa2nya biasa je. No wonder la citer ni takder box office manapon kat US ritu. Memandangkan citer ni takder la best mana soo aku mls la nk bg synopsis for citer ni. Korg ley google sajorh or tgkla citer ni nt biler dier dah kuar Malaysia nt. Takpon dload je kat tenet cm aku.

9th: The Diary of Anne Frank (2009)

Citer ni act series half an hour yg ditayangkan kat BBC tapi aku jumpa kat tenet ni dier dah gabungkan smua jadi movie trus. Citer ni based on da true story of Anne Frank. Citer ni dah byk kali wat movie n yg ni adalah remake dier yg paling latest. Anne Frank is a jewish gal yg tulis diary dier during world war 2. Aku taw citer Anne Frank nipon pas aku tgk muvie The Freedom Writers. Citer Anne Frank ni tersangatla menyayat hati pasal dier citer hari2 last Anne Frank kat Amsterdam sblm dier di bawak to concentrated camp n mati kat sni. Anne Frank and family dier terpaksa tggl dgn ader satu ag jewish fmly n sorg laki ni kat atas attic ofis ayah dier cuz semata2 nk sembunyikan diri dr Nazi. Well as u ol know time nikan Nazi wat ethnic cleansing kat Europe. Korg ley tgk life Anne Frank time ni yg penuh dgn kemiskinan n terpaksa duk kat dlm umah yg sempit tu selama 2 thn tanpa kuar langsung even kat dpn umah dier pasal takot kantoi dgn Nazi.
Citer ni mmg based on diary yg Anne tulis. After 2 thn dorg menyorok kat umah ni akhirnya kantoi gak dgn Nazi n dorg terpaksa g anta concentrated camp. Smua fmly Anne mati termasuk dier gak kecuali ayah dier je yg survive n dat's y dier yg publish diary Anne ni into book so smua org ley taw betapa sengasaranya Jews time Nazi occupation during Europe dlu. Mmg sgt sedey r citer ni bg aku n last2 aku nangis gak. Huhu.

p/s: Just bought da new Lauren Conrad sequel of L. A Candy ! Hehe

The lovely Lauren Conrad with her Sweet Little Lies during her book tour in US

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Review Part 1

The holiday has already started and as usual I am bored with nothing to do. So I have dedicated all my 'free time' to download series and movies like I used to do. Since aku ader acc premium hotfile nafsu rakus aku utk mendownload ap je yg aku jumpa makin menjadi2. Klu sblm ni aku interested download series je, skang ni aku giler download movies and documentaries. Yes people documentaries. U'll be suprised how much information dat u can get from watching these documentaries. Kegilaan utk beralih tgk movies and documentaries ni terjadi slps aku tgk Oscar 2010. Korg dah tgk Oscar 2010? I bet korg tak tgk punya pasal korg manala layan tgk awards ni esp Oscar (ditujukan khas kepada Sg Pusu Besties. Yela klu kat skola aku sorg je suka bnda2 cmni. Haha). Klu dlu aku tak penah paham org undi Oscar movies ni pasal aku rasa smua movies dier smua membosankan. But now I know why movies yg tercalon kat Oscar tu sgt la BERBALOI ditonton pasal stiap muvie tu ader jalan cerita yg unik n mesej yg mendalam di mana directors tu ingin smpikan kpd audience dier. Soo here a few movies and documentaries dat I have downloaded and watched after my final examinations are over.

1st: An Education (2009)

Citer ni tercalon for Best Motion Picture kat Oscar 2010 tapi kalah tu The Hurt Locker. Carey Mulligan who watak utama dlm citer ni pon tercalon for Best Actress tapi kalah gak to Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side. But klu dah tercalon kat Oscar tupon dah kire hebat gak r tu esp for Carrey Mulligan yg muda lagi. Tak silap aku umur dier br 24 kot. Basically citer ni pasal sorg gal ni dier hi skool student n idup dier mmg bosan giler pasal dier tak abes2 kena push dgn ayah dier stdy 24/7 n takle enjoy. Tapi dier mmg pandai giler r kat skola dier n salah seorg student yg ader potential nk masuk Oxford. But after dat idup dier terus berubah lps dier jumpa sorg laki middle aged ni n seduced dier which later part dier fall in love with dis guy. So dier mulala skip school n hang out dgn laki ni je smpi last2 kali dier dpt taw yg laki ni dah kawen upanya n mmg womanizer. Citer dier mmg simple je tapi cara dier cerita tu wat aku suka tgk citer ni. Other than that, aku sgt suka dier tnjk London, OXFORD which aku dah pegi last year (thanz to Safwa pasal bwk aku g Oxford. Hehe) n Paris. Rasa seronok je tgk dier shooting kat tmpt2 ni. Hehe. Carrey Mulligan pon sgt lawa dlm citer ni n aku rasa aku br sedar yg aku agk suka la British + French accent pas aku tgk citer ni. Haha.

2nd: Coco Before Chanel (2009)

Citer ni aku taw pon pas aku tgk Oscar. Citer ni tercalon for Best Costume Design tapi kalah to The Young Victoria. Citer ni dalam French n dis is da first time aku tgk citer French. Bole thn gak citer2 French ni. Tapi citer French ni mmg kbykan org kata mmg jalan cerita dier slalu unik soo I am looking forward lagi nk tgk citer French yg laen in da future. Hehe. Citer ni mengisahkan pasal da founder brand Chanel, Coco Chanel. So aku rasa citer ni bole diconsider documentary gak la kan pasal based on true story. Hehe. Dier ni mmg mula2 miskin giler n terpaksa jd gundik for French Baron semata2 nk sara idup dier. Mula2 dier design hats je tapi lama2 dier design baju. Wut I like about dis film is fashion sense si Coco ni. Coco ni mmg laen giler dr org laen n dier tak ikut pon fashion trend during her time.(Baju kembang,ketat kat pinggang,byk lace,corset dat stuff punya baju) Dier wat baju dier sndri yg dier rasa comfortable nk pakai. Mula2 smua org pelik tgk fashion dier tapi lama2 smua nk pakai baju cm dier.

3rd: How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

Citer ni of kos aku tak download pasal klu yg dah ader kat tenet nipon gmba camera. Aku ni klu nk tgk muvie mmg pantang tgk gmba buruk ni. Nk tgk gmba lawa je sebole2 nk dvdrip je. Hehe. Aku tak tgk citer ni in 3D pasal aku tgh miskin. Best gak r citer ni. Hepy je aku tgk. Aku gelak2 je time tgk citer ni. Sedey pon ader. Aku rasa ramai pon yg dah tgk citer ni soo aku rasa takyahla aku citer sinopsis dier.

4th: Dispatches: Children of Gaza

This documentary ni mmg wajib ditonton oleh smua Muslims kat atas muka bumi ni. Sedey giler weyh tgk documentary ni. Documentary ni focus kat children of Gaza after last year invasion by the Jews. Korg akn tgk betapa sengsaranya n HORRIBLE giler idop dorg. Gaza dier tnjk tu pon mmg dah cm bumi tandus aku tgk cuz smua facilities dah musnah oleh laknatullah Jews ! Citer ni mmg dier interview smua bdk kat Gaza ap yg dorg rasa kat Jews lps perang last year tu. Patu korg bole tgk mmg bdk2 ni mmg pandai cakap wlupon umur dorg br 11 or 12 cm2 pasal dorg dah pikir cm org dewasa cuz dorg tau yg dorg dlam perang n dorg kena act cm adult. Children kat Gaza ni kecik2 lagi dah start jd ganas n perasaan benci nk bunuh Jews mmg dah ada dlm diri dorg pasal dorg terpaksa tgk fmly dorg kena bunuh smpi dorg sndri pon kena tembak n hampir mati. Diwe pon ader tnjk gak cmner bdk2 ni kecik2 ag nk jadi pejuang n join Hamas n Islamic Jihad smata2 nk defend Palestine. Of kos la sedey pasal kecik2 lagi dah ditanam perasaan benci n nk bunuh2 smua but tapi nk wat cmner klu dah fmly smua kena bunuh. Even ader sorg budak ni nama Omsyatte dier ckp "I'd rather be martyred than live like this" pasal dier tak tahan idup dier yg sgt sengsara kat Gaza. Other boy nama dier Ibrahim ckp "Why the Jews attack Gaza? Did we hurt them? Did we kill them? Why do they do these things to us?" Huhu mmg menyayatkan hati n rasa benci kat Jews mmg meluap2 r pas tgk citer ni. Citer ni mmg patut smua org tgk pasal bole tnjk betapa kejamnya Jews kat Palestinian. Citer ni direleaskan kat Channel 4, salah satu Channel kat UK. Br aku pasan Channel 4 ni mmg byk tyg documentary yg best2 gak.

5th: Look (2007)

Citer ni paling unik among 4 citer di atas pasal dier tnjk citer ni melalui CCTV yg ader sekeliling org. Korg akn tgk betapa shocking n teruknya org kat keliling korg melalui CCTV ni. Citer ni agak lucah r skit pasal dier tnjk org tu baek semana pon sbnrnya dier mmg jahat giler. Citer ni pon sbnrnya nk mocking US pasal kat US je skang ni ader almost 30 MILLION CCTV ! Smua tmpt ader cctv n smua ni happen pas 9/11.

Ader byk ag documentaries yg aku download n lum tgk ag. Seyes byk giler documentaries yg best2 aku jumpa. Haha. Tak saba nk tgk nt.

p/s: Rasa cm nk promoter balik. Aku tersangatla miskin sgt. Tak sgka 15 000 yg JPA kasi dah abes begitu saje. Huu


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