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The cover issue |
So last week TIME magazine arrived in front of my house. Slalunya ak akan bukak sampul dier n den tgk cover mag ni dlu klu cm menarik ak akn trus baca n klu cm tak menarik perhatian ak akn letak tepi dlu baru baca. But last week punya issue agak menarik perhatian ak pasal it's the annual TIME 100 which da magazine lists 100 persons in dis world who are very influential n give impacts to us. 100 cm byk sgt r plk soo ak just listed kat bawah ni 11 persons yg ak minat kat dlm list ni. Hehe
He helped the Egyptian people realize their power |
Beliau merupakan Egyptian Google executive yg telah bertanggungjawab menyedarkan most of Egyptian young adults about their dire situation in Egypt. He is also famous because he spread the ideas of peaceful demonstrations tru Facebook and Twitter thus lead the successful Egptian Revolution that started on Jan 25 ended with 12 million Egyptians removing Hosni Mubarak and his regime.
America's freshest comedian |
One of the funniest US comedian ! Lawak dier smua best n fresh like what Aziz Ansari said of her. Mula2 dier stat popular kat SNL (Saturday Night Live) and skang dier dah ade sitcom sendiri called Parks and Recreation.
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A teller of secrets, with a few of his own |
Merupakan founder Wikileaks yg telah menggegarkan dunia dgn membocorkan pelbagai rahsia-rahsia kerajaan di seluruh dunia. Juga dituduh atas tuduhan merogol in Switzerland court tapi ramai yg percaya yg ini adalah konspirasi US government untuk menjatuhkan beliau. Beliau juga dihormati kerana stakat ni hanya beliau seorg sahaja yg berani menampilkan diri sebagai founder Wikileaks manakala rakan2 dier yg laen masih lagi remain hidden or anonymous.
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The crown prince of pop |
Well sape yg tak kenal Justin Bieber? He's only 16 but dah ader millions of fans around the world. But seyesly ak tak paham nape ramai sgt org benci dier? Ak rasa tak perlu nk benci budak ni pasal he's really TALENTED bcuz he can sing (wlupon sore tak derla sedap mana but stil sedap gak r dgr), dance and play a lot of musical instruments (guitar, drums). Lagu dier smua HITZ and BEST and in fact ak tak malu nk ngaku dat I like him. Ak rasa lagi ok kot minat Bieber ni dari minat artis2 Korea yg tak reti nyanyi n menari bagai nk rak je lbeyh. Klu dier popular sebab dier tak talented mmg patutla dier dibenci but nk wat cmne kan dh dier mmg talented n he's really good in what he's doing. Besides dier tak kaco idop korg pon soo takyah la nk benci2 dier. =)
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For his pitch-perfect potrayal of gay teen |
Sape2 yg tak kenal Chris Colfer ni dier adalah pelakon Glee yg melakonkan watak gay teen kat dlm citer ni. Ak suka tgk Chris dlm citer ni pasal he is so funny n sore dier awesome gak pasal bole smpi pitch tggi gile cm pompuan. Well dah kata gay. Haha. Ak mls nk komen pasal gay role dier dlm citer ni but ak puji dier pasal dier inspires US teens to stop bullying kat skola dorg. In fact dier byk je terima surat2 from his fans ckp Thanks for saving my life and etc. Baru2 ni pon dier ader menang Emmy award n smua org terkejut pasal dier baru 1st time tercalon dah trus menang. Hebat2. Hehe
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A King with a common touch |
Sblm ak tgk The King's Speech ak tak bape minat sgt Colin Firth. Citer2 dier yg sblm ni pon ak tak tgk sgt n tak penah nk amik taw pn pasal dier. Skali pas ak tgk Academy award movie ni trus ak impress Colin Firth. He's really talented n lakonan dier sbg King George VI sgt menjadi. Payah gile kot nk berlakon jd mamat yg gagap. Mmg jadi la gagap dier dlm citer ni. In fact dier juga merupakan salah seorg pelakon kat Hollywood yg buktikan bahawa tak semestinya ko takder good looks ko takle berjaya dlm industri ni.
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Burma's flame of democracy |
She is a global inspiration due to her endless wisdom and courage for democracy in her country. Walaupon dah bertahun2 dier kena house-arrest by the Junta government, dier tak penah give up teruskan perjuangan dier sbg akitivis untuk membebaskan Burma drpd pemerintahan Junta tentera ni. Last November she was released from her house arrest n everyone is hoping with her release she will make big changes to the Burmese government.
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A youthful picture of Hollywood poise |
She is famous for her role as Serena Van Der Woodsen in Gossip Girl. Ak taktau nape dier influential sgt smpi tersenarai dlm 100 list ni but all I noe dat she is really beautiful. Kat mana2 paparazi tgkp gmba dier she always looks cute n stylo. Pompuan2 kat luar sana smua envy with her and slalu berangan nk ader taste of fashion like her.
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The musician with everything |
Ak suka ap yg B.o.B ckp pasal Bruno Mars. He said "There are a lot of people who can sing and play the piano and guitar. But there's something different about Bruno Mars. He has a musicality, a presence in his voice that I've never heard from anyone else." Btul ckp B.o.B tuh. Bruno Mars is one of the geniuses dlm music industry in Hollywood. Sore sdp, lagu smua best2 n smua lagu dier wat. Payah woo nk cari org cmni. Lagu Fuck You by Cee Lo Green pon sbnrnya Bruno Mars yg wat n lagu ni tersangatla berhantu. Ak tak saba nk tgk da next project by Bruno Mars.
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She moves us in the right direction |
Ak rasa dlm byk2 first lady US dier la yg paling popular (Well myb after Kennedy and Clinton). She's beautiful and knows what her role as the first lady of US. She tackles da issue of obesity among kids which tak ramai nk discuss pasal bnda ni. She convinced her husband to establish America's first Childhood Obesity Task Force. She planted a teaching garden at the White House and reminded Americans that to know their farmers is to know their food. Walaupon dier tahu ia satu perkara yg mustahil nk selesaikan isu obesity ni at least she tries her best to help the US kids to overcome obesity ni. Mungkin dier takder bg impak pape kat kiter Malaysians ni but mayb first lady kiter bole contohi dier ke. Who knows.
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A fairy tale for the modern era |
29 April 2011 will mark an important event in the history of the world because it is the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton ! Ak sgt looking forward their wedding because it's going to be marvellous and the most amazing wedding of the decade or maybe century. Lagi satu ak suka pasal dorg ni pasal kisah dorg cm fairy tale; putera raja kawen dgn org biasa. Payah kot nk cari kerabat diraja cmni. Kerabat diraja kiter kat Malaysia pon kebanyakannya smua kawen dgn artis la takpon org2 kenamaan je. Payah nk cari yg kawen dgn org biasa or nobody. Seyes ak tak saba nk tgk dorg dua ni kawen ! Hehe
Tibe2 jmpa video Emma Watson kat TIME ni. Jom tgk ! Hehe.
Oh BEST giler remix Till the World Ends by Britney, Nicki Minaj and Ke$ha. Bole dgr kat bwh ni. Hehe
p/s: Tak saba giler nk g concert Maroon 5 with Yan and El !
kesimpulannye..aku suke entry kali ni..hehe
ReplyDeletethanz mayam. tak sia2 ak duk nguap2 wat entry ni. haha
ReplyDeletei ingatkan ramai economist or politician yang influential tapi sayangnye ramai artist. quite disappointed there.
ReplyDeletebut anyway, looking forward for this coming 29th! yuhuuu!!
Act yan ramai je la politicians an economists dlm list ni. dah kata 100 org. ni yg aku suka je la. haha